sientes gratitud, significa que llegaste a un acuerdo con el pasado
pero, es posible que aunsurjanuevamentealgún obstáculo. Incluso cuando
completas un ciclo, te sientes bendecido y alineado con la corriente
afirmativa, es posible que todavía hayaalguna dificultad,pero en este
caso, la situación no tiene relación con una imagen del pasado. Se trata
de una dificultad que surge debido a la ley de causa y efecto. En este
caso, al percibir la dificultad, te colocaspresente y direccionas la
voluntad para cambiar la situación, y cambia. Es como el polvo que se ha
acumulado en el espejo, basta con pasarle un paño para limpiarlo.”
“When we are able to feel gratitude, it means that an understanding with the past has been reached but it is still possible for an obstacle to arise again. Even though, after the completion of a healing cycle, we may feel blessed and aligned with the positive current, it is still possible that some difficulty may arise. In this case, it is not necessarily due to an image from the past. This is a challenge that has arisen due to the law of cause and effect. As we become aware of the difficulty, we place ourselves in the present moment and direct our will to change the situation, and the situation changes. It is just like some dust that accumulates on the mirror. All we need to do is take a cloth and wipe away the dirt.”
“When we are able to feel gratitude, it means that an understanding with the past has been reached but it is still possible for an obstacle to arise again. Even though, after the completion of a healing cycle, we may feel blessed and aligned with the positive current, it is still possible that some difficulty may arise. In this case, it is not necessarily due to an image from the past. This is a challenge that has arisen due to the law of cause and effect. As we become aware of the difficulty, we place ourselves in the present moment and direct our will to change the situation, and the situation changes. It is just like some dust that accumulates on the mirror. All we need to do is take a cloth and wipe away the dirt.”