“La mente condicionada te hace creer que solo podrás ser feliz si el
otro te mira de una maneradeterminada. El otronecesitaactuar de la
formaque tú imaginas para poder ser feliz, entonces vivesintentando
lograr que estapersona actúede esa forma, porque solamente así te
sientes amado; solamenteasí puedes ser feliz. Esta felicidad que depende
de la forma queel otro actúa es una mentira. La verdadera felicidad es
independiente de factores externos, viene de adentro tuyo - nace de la
“The conditioned mind makes us believe that we can only be happy if the other looks at us the way we want to be seen.We believe the other has to act in a certain way for us to be happy. So, we live our lives trying to make the other act according to our own standards because this is the only way we think we will feel loved or be able to experience happiness. But happiness that depends on how others act is not real. True happiness exists independently of external factors as it comes from within. Happiness is born out of freedom.”
“The conditioned mind makes us believe that we can only be happy if the other looks at us the way we want to be seen.We believe the other has to act in a certain way for us to be happy. So, we live our lives trying to make the other act according to our own standards because this is the only way we think we will feel loved or be able to experience happiness. But happiness that depends on how others act is not real. True happiness exists independently of external factors as it comes from within. Happiness is born out of freedom.”