“Conscientes de ello o no, nos movemos de la conciencia humana en
dirección a la Conciencia divina. Sin embargo, algunas dimensiones de la
conciencia humana aún son tan primitivas que se asemejan a la
consciencia animal, en la cual la crueldad sirve para suplir el instinto
básico de supervivencia. En la naturaleza, muchas veces es necesario
ser cruel, como un animal que se alimenta del otro para sobrevivir. Esto
no está bien ni mal, simplemente es. Pero, poco a poco, vamos
alcanzando dimensiones humanas más elevadas, y a medida que nos
liberamos de la crueldad y nos volvemos capaces de amar, este amor nos
conduce a la Conciencia divina.”
“Whether we are aware of it or not, we move from human consciousness towards divine consciousness. However, some dimensions of human consciousness are still so primitive that they resemble animal consciousness. In this animalistic state of awareness, cruelty results from a basic survival instinct. In nature, it’s often necessary to be cruel, so that one animal preys on another animal in order to survive. This is not right or wrong; it simply is the way things are. Gradually, as we reach more elevated dimensions of human awareness, we free ourselves from cruelty and become capable of loving. This capacity to love is what then guides us towards divine consciousness.”
“Whether we are aware of it or not, we move from human consciousness towards divine consciousness. However, some dimensions of human consciousness are still so primitive that they resemble animal consciousness. In this animalistic state of awareness, cruelty results from a basic survival instinct. In nature, it’s often necessary to be cruel, so that one animal preys on another animal in order to survive. This is not right or wrong; it simply is the way things are. Gradually, as we reach more elevated dimensions of human awareness, we free ourselves from cruelty and become capable of loving. This capacity to love is what then guides us towards divine consciousness.”