“Estamos teniendo una rara oportunidad de dar un salto cuántico en
nuestra camino evolutivo. En lo más profundo, todas las crisis son
chances de aprendizaje y transformación. A través de ellas, aprendemos a
dar un buen combate, aprendemos a usar nuestra capacidad creativa e
inteligencia para encontrar soluciones constructivas. Y al usar nuestro
potencial adormecido de esta manera, nuestra consciencia se expande. Por
eso siempre digo que la crisis es también una bendición.”
“We are having a rare opportunity to take a quantum leap in our evolutionary journey. At the deepest level, all crises are opportunities for learning and transformation. Through these crises, we learn how to fight a good battle; we learn how to use our creative capacity and intelligence to find constructive solutions. As we learn to use our dormant potential in this way, our consciousness expands. This is why I always say that a crisis is also a blessing.”
“We are having a rare opportunity to take a quantum leap in our evolutionary journey. At the deepest level, all crises are opportunities for learning and transformation. Through these crises, we learn how to fight a good battle; we learn how to use our creative capacity and intelligence to find constructive solutions. As we learn to use our dormant potential in this way, our consciousness expands. This is why I always say that a crisis is also a blessing.”