“El ser humano a veces tarda mucho tiempo para madurar hasta que pueda
pedir y experimentar el perdón. El perdón nace de un aspecto específico
de la conciencia, la comprensión. Es un florecimiento de la comprensión.
Y esa comprensión involucra arrepentimiento. Cuando el arrepentimiento
es sincero, te libera de cualquier culpa. Tus lágrimas caen, lavan las
marcas de la culpa e iluminan el perdón; y solamente el perdón te libera
de las cargas del pasado.”
"Human beings sometimes take a long time to mature to the point of being able to ask for forgiveness and to experience forgiveness. Forgiveness is born from a specific aspect of consciousness: comprehension. It is a blossoming of understanding, and this comprehension involves remorse. When repentance is sincere, it frees us from all guilt. When tears fall, they wash away the imprints of guilt and illuminate our forgiveness. Only forgiveness can set us free from the burdens of the past."
"Human beings sometimes take a long time to mature to the point of being able to ask for forgiveness and to experience forgiveness. Forgiveness is born from a specific aspect of consciousness: comprehension. It is a blossoming of understanding, and this comprehension involves remorse. When repentance is sincere, it frees us from all guilt. When tears fall, they wash away the imprints of guilt and illuminate our forgiveness. Only forgiveness can set us free from the burdens of the past."