“Las palabras que surgen para ser transmitidas en nuestros encuentros
son espontáneas. No acostumbro preparar nada con anticipación. No porque
me oponga a este método, simplemente porque es así como sucede conmigo.
Las palabras, cuando surgen, son parte de un juego divino, sirven como
una manera de confirmar la intuición; una manera de ayudar en la lectura
de las señales y sincronicidades que la vida ofrece. Tales señales son
la forma más simple para el Misterio comunicarse contigo. Tu parte es
comprender el mensaje.”
"The words that arise to be transmitted in our encounters are spontaneous. I usually do not prepare anything in advance. It’s not that I am opposed to different methods, my transmissions simply take place this way because that is how they come through me. When the words arise, they become a part of God's play. They serve as a means to confirm intuition and a way to assist us in interpreting the signs and synchronicities that life offers. Such signals are the simplest ways in which the Mystery communicates with us. Our part is to understand these messages.”
"The words that arise to be transmitted in our encounters are spontaneous. I usually do not prepare anything in advance. It’s not that I am opposed to different methods, my transmissions simply take place this way because that is how they come through me. When the words arise, they become a part of God's play. They serve as a means to confirm intuition and a way to assist us in interpreting the signs and synchronicities that life offers. Such signals are the simplest ways in which the Mystery communicates with us. Our part is to understand these messages.”