“Puedes encontrar
millones de razones para no abrirte al otro. En verdad, puedes hasta
tener motivos verdaderos para no abrirte a él. Pero estando comprometido
con el auto-conocimiento, es preciso recordar que este cierre es un
síntoma del miedo. Y el miedo siempre está al servicio de esconder algo.
Si tienes el coraje de mirar de frente a este miedo, te va a mostrar
alguna otra cosa, probablemente, una vergüenza, que es un aspecto del
orgullo. Este miedo está escondiendo algo que no quieres tomar
conciencia, y tampoco quieres que el otro sepa.”
"We can find thousands of reasons not to open up to the other. In truth, we may even have real reasons as to why we shouldn’t open up to them. But if we are truly committed to self-knowledge, we need to remember that this closure is a symptom of fear. Fear is always trying to hide something. If we can be courageous enough to confront this fear, it will lead us to something else such as shame, which is another aspect of pride. This fear is hiding something that we don't want to face and that we don't want the other to see."
"We can find thousands of reasons not to open up to the other. In truth, we may even have real reasons as to why we shouldn’t open up to them. But if we are truly committed to self-knowledge, we need to remember that this closure is a symptom of fear. Fear is always trying to hide something. If we can be courageous enough to confront this fear, it will lead us to something else such as shame, which is another aspect of pride. This fear is hiding something that we don't want to face and that we don't want the other to see."