“Cuándo puedes observar los pensamientos, emociones y sensaciones que
pasan por ti sin criticar o juzgar, estás obteniendo una gran victoria
sobre la mente. En otras palabras, te estás convirtiendo en señor de tu
propia mente. De esta manera, comienzas a acceder al nivel del alma y
empoderar al espíritu. Empiezas a percibirte como un fragmento de lo
Divino. Pero este fragmento no se divide, es eterno, porque es la propia
Divinidad. Tienes una vislumbre de la Unidad.”
“When we can observe our thoughts, emotions and sensations that pass through us without criticizing or judging them, we gain a great victory over the mind. We become sovereign over the mind. As such, we begin to have access to the level of the soul that empowers the spirit. We begin to perceive ourselves as a piece of the divine. This fragment is not divided. It is eternal because it is divinity itself. We are given a glimpse of unity.”
“When we can observe our thoughts, emotions and sensations that pass through us without criticizing or judging them, we gain a great victory over the mind. We become sovereign over the mind. As such, we begin to have access to the level of the soul that empowers the spirit. We begin to perceive ourselves as a piece of the divine. This fragment is not divided. It is eternal because it is divinity itself. We are given a glimpse of unity.”