IN THE FALL of 1964, not long after Barry Goldwater had clinched the Republican nomination for president, historian Richard Hofstadter penned an essay for Harper's called "The Paranoid Style in American Politics." It was an instant classic—not because it was so elegantly written, but because in just a few pages it described with deadly accuracy one of the major strains of our national dialogue.
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
From JMG: Exodus International Launches Campaign In Support Of Anti-Gay Bullying
In the past, students who have attempted to exercised their rights to talk about topics related to homosexuality have been censored or, in some cases, punished for their beliefs. It is important that students stand up for their First Amendment right to hear and speak the Truth about human sexuality in order to protect that freedom for future generations. The Day of Truth provides an opportunity to speak the Truth in love and have an honest conversation about homosexuality and at the same time publicly exercise your constitutional right to free speech. Over the past 6 years, we have had over 17,000 participants in the Day of Truth. This year, even more students are expected to take part in the Day of Truth, as news of this vital project continues to spread across the country. The Alliance Defense Fund has more than 1,200 allied attorneys who are available to assist you if you run into complications with school officials or pro-homosexual advocacy groups on your campus.It's more than a little fucking sad that the same people who were likely brutalized for their homosexuality while in school are now campaigning to support their tormentors. And go freep their fucking poll.
Labels: "ex-gay", assholism, bigotry, bullying, Day Of Silence, Exodus International, GLSEN, LGBT youth, mental illness, religion, Stockholm Syndrome
From JMG: UC Davis LGBT Center Vandalized
On the night of February 26th the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center experienced acts of vandalism. The entrance to the LGBTRC was defaced with derogatory and hateful words that target the Queer community. This vicious hate crime demonstrates the need for community centers like ours to exist in order to offer a safe space on campus and combat the homophobia, discrimination, and hate that is still prevalent within our society. As a center we wanted not to immediately remove the vandalism in order to ensure that this hate crime does not go unnoticed by the campus community. Facilities and administration offered to clean it up immediately but we wanted to take this opportunity to educate the campus about struggles that our community continues to face. We feel it is easier to erase physical representations of violence than to heal from the ongoing impacts of this hatred. Erasing it makes it possible to avoid believing these things happen on our campus. We want to work towards a healing resolution.There has been a rash of such incidents in recent months, with vandalism of LGBT centers seen in Orlando, Long Island, and elsewhere.
Labels: California, homophobia, UC Davis, vandalism
Another Gem from JMG: Michele Bachmann, The Comic Book
Labels: comic books, Kevin Avidor, mental illness, Michele Bachmann
From JMG: Tony Perkins Dissed By Air Force
Two days after President Obama's State of the Union speech, in which he announced plans to repeal "Don't ask, Don't tell," Perkin's received a letter from the chaplain's office at Andrews rescinding the invitation. The letter cited Family Research Council statements calling them "incompatible in our role as military members who serve our elected officials and our commander in chief." "I never thought, you know, when I put on the uniform as a United States marine, serve six years in serving this country, [I] never gave thought to the fact that. one day I would be denied to speak because I, number one. held a view that was consistent with existing law, but number two, just happened to be in contradiction to the president of the United States on homosexuality," Perkins said in response to the letter. He added that the loss of free speech should concern all Americans. He fears a change in the law allowing gays to serve openly in the U.S. military will have a devastating effect on religious speech. "Chaplains will be muzzled in their ability to preach the whole council of God," Perkins said. "In fact, I believe you will see a mass exodus of chaplains from the military if, in fact, the military is forced to throw open its arms to embrace homosexuality."Bryan Fischer, the notorious America Family Association radio host who has called for forcible reparative therapy for gays, is outraged.
The homosexual agenda represents a clear and present danger to virtually every fundamental right given to us by our Creator and enshrined for us in our Constitution. Start with freedom of religion and freedom of speech, the first two of our inalienable rights secured for us in the Bill of Rights. As a culture, we must choose between the homosexual agenda or the Constitution because we can't have both. Further proof comes from the abjectly pathetic decision of the chaplains' office at Andrews Air Force Base to rescind a long-standing invitation to Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council. Perkins had been invited to give a non-political talk at a prayer luncheon on the base yesterday, but was abruptly dis-invited for one simple reason: he supports the current law which makes homosexuals ineligible for service in the United States military.Why would somebody who calls the Commander In Chief a socialist/marxist/illegal alien be surprised if they aren't allowed to speak to his troops? Oh, wait. We know why.
Don't miss the significance here. Perkins is defending current law, and is advocating for the time-honored principle that homosexual conduct is incompatible with military service. George Washington famously and literally drummed two soldiers out of the Continental Army in the days of our contest with Great Britain after they were discovered in the act of attempted sodomy. And yet it now appears that a virtual zero-tolerance policy, rooted in Christophobia, has resulted in the blacklisting of anyone who supports what the military has always believed and practiced.
Labels: Bryan Fischer, DADT, Family Reseach Council, religion, Tony Perkins
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Reposted from Pam's House Blend
NOM's Maggie Gallagher Supports & Admires Killing Gaysby: waymonhudsonFri Feb 26, 2010 at 12:47:03 PM EST |
(You said it; now OWN your hate, Maggie- and with it, National Organization for Marriage and ALL of their allies... - promoted by Louise) We all know Maggie Gallagher makes her living off of peddling anti-LGBT hate with the National Organization for Marriage. She claims she's just "saving marriage from the evil gays" and that she doesn't hate us. Sure she claims that we out to recruit kids, indoctrinate them in schools, and destroy them by being parents, but that's just a little political difference, right? She's Miss "warm and fuzzy" homophobia, especially if you see the media coverage of her. Well, Maggie G let that mask slip a bit and we got to see what we all know is lurking underneath. Gallagher has come to the defense of (shocker!) Miss Faux Beverly Hills Lauren Ashley, who not only said gays shouldn't marry, but trotted out the old Leviticus Bible verse saying gays are an abomination and should be killed. Maggie Gallagher has endorsed and supported Lauren Ashley: I'm not surprised that Miss Beverly Hills, Lauren Ashley, opposes gay marriage -- after all 45 percent of young Californians voted for Prop 8, as did 7 million Californians generally. But I have to say, I am impressed with her courage in coming forward and for speaking up for Carrie. The elected officials of city of Beverly Hills are not demonstrating tolerance or kindness by continuing the avalanche of hatred against supporters of Prop 8. |
There's More... :: (11 Comments, 380 words in story) A repost from PHB |
From JMG: John McCain: There Is Strong Opposition To DADT Among Military Leaders
Labels: DADT, John McCain, Meet The Press, Mike Mullen, military
Saturday, February 27, 2010
From JMG: LGBT Activists Convene In NYC For Immigration Equality Forum
Labels: activism, Andy Towle, Bil Browning, Chris Geidner, David Badash, Immigration Equality, Jillian Weiss, Matt Foreman, Michelangelo Signorile, Mike Rogers, NYC, Rex Wockner
yet another repost JMGFrom JMG: Friendly Voices - Daniel Radcliffe
"I have described myself as being 'gently eccentric' and slightly different as a person just because I've had a very different set of influences growing up than anybody else in my peer group did. I think it's important for somebody from a big, commercial movie series like Harry Potter and particularly because I am not gay or bisexual or transgendered. The fact that I am straight makes not a difference, but it shows that straight people are incredibly interested and care a lot about this as well." - Daniel Radcliffe, speaking from the NYC headquarters of the LGBT teen suicide prevention hotline The Trevor Project, for whom he has just made a promotional film.
Labels: Daniel Radcliffe, Friendly Voices, gay youth, straight allies, Trevor Project
Re-owled from JMGFrum Buzzflash: Michael Winship: Two Legal Foes Unite to Fight -- for Same Sex Marriage
Watching this week's "health summit" in Washington, with both sides barely repressing the urge to turn the Blair House event into the Potomac version of mixed martial arts cage fighting, was discouraging. To get a little peace and quiet I was tempted to switch to ESPN and search for an hour of the world's greatest soccer riots. At least they make better theater. And there are better-defined goals.
make the jump to read the article
Bill Moyers: Theodore Olson and David Boies
The quest for marriage equality has created some unlikely allies in attorneys Theodore Olson, a conservative, and David Boies, a liberal. Long well-known within the field of law, the two became nationally famous as the opposing counsels in Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court case that halted the Florida recount, and resolved the 2000 Presidential election in favor of George W. Bush.
Now the two lawyers, both veterans of multiple Supreme Court cases, have mounted a well-financed legal challenge to Proposition 8, California's 2008 ballot initiative that put an end to same-sex marriage in that state. The case could make it as far as the Supreme Court and define the debate on same-sex marriage for years to come.
On this week's JOURNAL, Olson and Boies join Bill Moyers to discuss why the issue of same-sex marriage is so important, why they chose to pursue the matter in the courts, even against the wishes of some in the LGBT community, and why conservatives and liberals must come together to solve the big issues facing the country.
jump here to watch / read the full presentation
Friday, February 26, 2010
Com certeza, tais decisões caíram como um raio, duas vezes, em menos de 30 dias, sobre as cabeças ruins e mentalidades preconceituosas daqueles que ainda insistem em permanecer na ignorância, fonte inesgotável do preconceito. Nada me pareceu mais apropriado para massacrar a homofobia do que comparar a intensidade da luz e a força poderosa do raio, às duas recentes decisões judiciais proferidas pelos Tribunais de Minas Gerais.
1º Caso - Após árdua caminhada por mais de 5 anos, vislumbrar o Direito prevalecer sobre a discriminação às uniões entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, é algo tão gratificante , assim como o olhar da mãe para o filho que acaba de nascer. Todo o sofrimento é imediatamente esquecido para dar lugar a uma alegria infinita!
No Direito Homoafetivo é comum que os processos judiciais caminhem por trilhas jamais conhecidas, enfrentando todo tipo de obstáculo, inclusive as crenças pessoais e religiosas dos seus julgadores, como foi o caso em tela. Para conseguir os Direitos Previdenciários para um cidadão, após o falecimento do seu companheiro, foram necessárias mais de mil páginas para levar o convencimento aos Juízes Julgadores.
Depois de duas derrotas no Juizo de 1ª Instância, veio a vitória no Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerias, perante três desembargadores, que reconheceram seu Direito à Pensão da Previdência Privada, Pecúlio e Plano de Saúde. Houve o consenso, de forma pioneira, pela divisão em 50% dos benefícios para o companheiro e 50% para a mãe do falecido.
O voto proferido pelo Relator, seguido pelos outros julgadores, pode ser considerado uma jóia de valor incrível, principalmente quando diz:
... Quando a Constituição Federal assinalou a igualdade sem distinção de sexo, proibindo qualquer forma de discriminação (inciso IV, art.3º ) aí compreendeu a questão dos homossexuais...
2º caso - O segundo raio, isto é, a segunda causa, também foi referente aos Direitos Previdenciários, reivindicados à UFMG por um funcionário aposentado e por sua vez, negados!
Oportunidade que provocou a propositura de ação judicial perante a Justiça Federal de Minas Gerais, para fazer prevalecer o direito de indicar o companheiro para ser seu beneficiário.
Por incrível que possa parecer, de pronto, o pedido foi aceito e julgado procedente pelo Juiz Federal da 20ª Vara, concedendo ao funcionário aposentado da UFMG, o direito de fazer a pretendida indicação do seu companheiro para os benefícios previdenciários.
Não se conformando com esse resultado, a UFMG recorreu para a 2ª instância, em Brasília, cujo julgamento ocorreu no dia 9 passado. Por unanimidade os julgadores federais deram voto favorável e mantiveram a decisão mineira.
Os exemplos citados acima são provas incontestáveis da abertura do judiciário mineiro em receber as reivindicações baseadas no Direito Homoafetivo. As esperadas leis específicas ainda não existem, mas a jurisprudência está se firmando no sentido de considerar como União Estável ou Sociedade de Fato, a parceria entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e suas conseqüências.
Não só a lei é fonte do direito; a jurisprudência , que é o conjunto de julgados num mesmo sentido, serve como base para os pedidos, principalmente na ausência de leis.
A sutil diferença entre as duas formas de convivência, citadas acima, está na maneira de dividir os bens adquiridos juntos na constância da união, em caso de separação ou herança. Na Sociedade de Fato, termo empregado para questões patrimoniais, há necessidade de cada um comprovar sua colaboração na aquisição dos bens durante o período da parceria e consequentemente cada um terá direito aos bens que conquistou ( da mesma maneira que os casais heteros).
Razão pela qual, não se deve nunca descuidar das provas através dos documentos angariados no dia a dia. Sempre é bom ficar atento quando houver necessidade de ações judiciais, além do mais, não podemos falhar no pedido, exatamente quando o judiciário se mostra disposto a fazer justiça aos homossexuais, em todos as áreas do Direito.
A esperança na lucidez dos julgadores brasileiros, como aqui demonstrado, nos leva ao otimismo de afirmar que, o preconceito e a discriminação na justiça brasileira estão com os dias contados!
Maria Emília Mitre Haddad