Michele Bachmann suggested that the gay community is bullying
Americans and politicians. You can read the full article and hear the
clip for yourself
here. This is my response.
Dear Michele Bachmann,
I would like to provide you with a definition of a word that, for all
your legal experience, you seem not to comprehend. The word “bully” has
become a buzzword, a convenient way for adults who are losing an
argument to shut down the conversation. When your back is against the
wall, you call someone a “bully” and if they don’t allow you to
gracefully exit the argument you get to say, “SEE! They ARE a bully.”
Except, that’s incorrect. “Bully” is defined variously as “a person
who uses superior strength or power to harm, intimidate or influence
those who are weaker.”
Now let’s reconsider your words. “…the gay community, they have so
bullied the American people, and they’ve so intimidated politicians. The
politicians fear them, so that they think they get to dictate the
agenda everywhere.”
Let’s consider the fallacy here, shall we?