“El perdón es una fragancia del Ser. Es como un rayo de luz, que se
encuentra cubierto por capas de heridas y resentimientos. Por más que no
estés pudiendo identificar esos sentimientos, éstos existen, y la
prueba de ello es la separación, tanto del otro como de ti mismo. Puedes
estar herido con el otro o contigo mismo, pero independientemente de
eso, el hecho es que algo aún no fue comprendido y aceptado. Por alguna
razón, te rehúsas a aceptar. Pero la aceptación no puede ser forzada,
así como el perdón no puede ser impuesto de afuera hacia adentro. Es un
fruto del árbol de la comprensión.”
"Forgiveness is a fragrance of the Being. It is like a ray of light that is covered in layers of hurt and resentment. Even though we may not be able to identify these feelings, they do indeed exist. The proof of their existence lies in our feelings of separation, both from the other and from ourselves. We may have been hurt by others or by ourselves, but regardless, the fact is that something has not been understood and accepted. For some reason, we refuse to accept it. Acceptance cannot be forced, and forgiveness cannot be imposed from the outside. It is a fruit of the tree of understanding."
"Forgiveness is a fragrance of the Being. It is like a ray of light that is covered in layers of hurt and resentment. Even though we may not be able to identify these feelings, they do indeed exist. The proof of their existence lies in our feelings of separation, both from the other and from ourselves. We may have been hurt by others or by ourselves, but regardless, the fact is that something has not been understood and accepted. For some reason, we refuse to accept it. Acceptance cannot be forced, and forgiveness cannot be imposed from the outside. It is a fruit of the tree of understanding."