“Nuestros dones y talentos son manifestaciones de nuestro propósito en
la Tierra. Éstos son expresiones del Amor. Son nuestro tesoro
espiritual. Pero es lamentable que algunos se hayan olvidado de su
propio tesoro. El ser humano fue tan severamente reprimido que dejó de
expresar sus dones naturales. Él dejó de ser natural y pasó a ser
aquello que agrada a la familia y a la sociedad. Y así pasa la vida
buscando remedios para curar los síntomas causados por el olvido de sí
"Our gifts and talents are the manifestations of our purpose here on Earth. They are expressions of love: our spiritual treasure. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about their own treasure. Human beings were so severely repressed that they ceased to express their natural gifts. We went from naturally expressing ourselves to being someone who seeks to please our family and society. In this way, we spend our lives seeking remedies to cure the symptoms caused by the forgetfulness of ourselves."
"Our gifts and talents are the manifestations of our purpose here on Earth. They are expressions of love: our spiritual treasure. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about their own treasure. Human beings were so severely repressed that they ceased to express their natural gifts. We went from naturally expressing ourselves to being someone who seeks to please our family and society. In this way, we spend our lives seeking remedies to cure the symptoms caused by the forgetfulness of ourselves."