Sunday, December 27, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 27/12/2015

“É importante que possamos tomar consciência das limitações geradas pelos condicionamentos mentais, pois eles geram separação. E a separação é a raiz da guerra. Você pode não concordar com determinada ideologia ou crença, mas isso não pode ser motivo para criar barreiras e fechar o seu coração. É muito bom que hajam pessoas pensando de modo diferente, pois uma ajuda a outra a ampliar a visão.”

“Es importante que podamos tomar consciencia de las limitaciones generadas por los condicionamientos mentales, porque ellos generan separación. Y la separación es la raíz de la guerra. Puedes no concordar con determinada ideología o creencia, pero esto no puede ser motivo para crear barreras y cerrar tu corazón. Es muy bueno que haya personas pensando de modo diferente, porque una ayuda a la otra a ampliar la visión.”

"It is important that we become aware of the limitations generated by our mental conditioning because they generate separation. And separation is the root of warfare. One may disagree with a particular ideology or belief, but that is not a reason to create barriers and close our hearts. The fact that some people think differently than others do can only help in expanding one's understanding.”

Today's Daily Dharma: When the World Says Hello

When the World Says Hello
Imagine for a moment that everything you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste is your very best friend. The spoon in your hand and the distant sound of traffic; the raindrops running down your back and the smell of dirty laundry; the blue sky and the flavor of cumin—these are not mere passing encounters with two-dimensional items. Instead, imagine for a moment that everything you are experiencing is your very, very best friend saying hello.
—Michael Carroll, "Gently Bowing"
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Via FB:

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 26/12/2015

“Por trás do sombreiro está a luz. A escuridão não tem existência própria - ela é a ausência da luz. Um raio de luz é suficiente para dissipar as trevas da ignorância. Somente uma onda de amor é suficiente para acalmar tempestades de ódio. Mas para isso precisamos estar receptivos à luz. É verdade que a escuridão milenar de uma caverna se dissipa imediatamente com um pequeno raio de luz, mas para a luz penetrar essa escuridão, é preciso haver uma fenda; é preciso haver abertura. E abertura ou receptividade é sinônimo de humildade.”

“Por detrás de la sombra está la luz. La oscuridad no tiene existencia propia, es la ausencia de la luz. Un rayo de luz es suficiente para disipar las tinieblas de la ignorancia. Solamente una onda de amor es suficiente para calmar tempestades de odio. Pero para esto necesitamos estar receptivos a la luz. Es verdad que la oscuridad milenaria de una caverna se disipa inmediatamente con un pequeño rayo de luz, pero para que la luz penetre esa oscuridad, es necesario que haya una grieta, es necesario que haya una abertura. Y apertura o receptividad es sinónimo de humildad.”

“Behind the shadow there is light. Darkness does not have an existence of its own – it is but the absence of light. A ray of light is enough to dissipate the darkness of ignorance. A single wave of love is enough to calm all the storms of hatred. However, in order for this to be so, we need to be receptive to the light. It is true that acave’s ancient darkness dissipates immediately with a small ray of light, but in order for the light to penetrate this darkness, there must be a gap or an opening. This openness and receptivitybegins with humility."

Today's Daily Dharma: Taking Control of Habit

Taking Control of Habit
Each step may seem to take forever, but no matter how uninspired you feel, continue to follow your practice schedule precisely and consistently. This is how we can use our greatest enemy, habit, against itself.
—Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, "Tortoise Steps"
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Friday, December 25, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 25/12/2015

“‘Ame a Deus sobre todas as coisas e tudo mais vos será acrescentado’. Se entregue para Deus e tudo o que você precisa chega. Essa é a essência da transmissão de Jesus. Mas, na minha visão, a principal pérola transmitida por esse grande mestre passou despercebida. Quando estava sendo crucificado e agredido ele disse: ‘Pai, perdoa-lhes pois eles não sabem o que fazem.’ Se puder experienciar esse grau de perdão e de compaixão, você se torna um com Deus - você está livre.” 

“‘Ama a Dios por sobre todas las cosas y todo lo demás se os dará por añadidura”. Entrégate a Dios y todo lo que necesitas llega. Esta es la esencia de la transmisión de Jesús. Pero en mi visión, la principal perla transmitida por este gran maestro pasó desapercibida. Cuando estaba siendo crucificado y agredido él dijo: “Padre, perdónalos porque no saben lo que hacen”. Si pudieras experimentar este grado de perdón y de compasión, te vuelves uno con Dios, estás libre."

" 'Seek the Kingdom of God above all else... and he will give you everything you need' (Matthew 6:33). Surrender yourself to God and everything you need comes. This is the essence of Jesus’ transmission. In my opinion, the main pearl transmitted by this great master teacher passed unnoticed. While he was being crucified and beaten he said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.' If you can experience this degree of forgiveness and compassion, you become one with God, and you are free."

Today's Daily Dharma: Generous Gratitude

Generous Gratitude
Gratitude, the simple and profound feeling of being thankful, is the foundation of all generosity. I am generous when I believe that right now, right here, in this form and this place, I am myself being given what I need.
—Sallie Jiko Tisdale, "As If There Is Nothing to Lose"
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Today's Daily Dharma: Baby Buddha

Baby Buddha
We must grow up, just like a newborn baby. The infant born today and the adult 25 years later is essentially the same person, isn't he? He is not someone else. Right now, our nature is the buddha nature. When fully enlightened, it will also be the buddha nature.
—Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, "As the Clouds Vanish"
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Via Elephant Buddhadharma / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 23/12/2015

“Uma famosa frase da bíblia diz: ‘A Verdade vos libertará’. E tenho constatado que isso é verdade. Por isso tenho dito que a honestidade é a mais urgente e necessária forma de amor que precisamos desenvolver neste momento da jornada evolutiva. Ela é a base, a fundação do templo da consciência. Se você não pode ser honesto, seu processo evolutivo é interrompido.”

“Una famosa frase de la biblia dice: "La Verdad os hará libres". Y he constatado que esto es verdad. Por eso vengo diciendo que la honestidad es la forma más urgente y necesaria de amor que precisamos desarrollar en este momentodel camino evolutivo. Es la base, los cimientosdel templo de la conciencia. Si no puedes ser honesto, tu proceso evolutivo es interrumpido.”

“A famous passage of the Bible (John 8:32) reads, ‘The truth will set you free.’ I have experienced that this really is true. Honesty is the most urgent and necessary form of love that we need to develop at this moment of our evolutionary journey. Honesty is the foundation of the temple of consciousness. If we cannot be honest, our evolutionary process is interrupted.”

Today's Daily Dharma: The Value of Intention

The Value of Intention
I regularly advise people to discover what their deepest intention is. What do they really want? What is the heart’s deepest wish? While some people have worthwhile intentions for their meditation, the practice can have greater value when it is clearly connected to what is most important to us.
—Gil Fronsdal, "Evaluate Your Meditation"
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 22/12/2015

“Através das práticas espirituais, estamos batendo na porta da Verdade. Mas é importante lembrar que a Verdade não pertence a uma determinada religião ou tradição espiritual específica - ela simplesmente é. Ela foi e sempre será a mesma. Aquilo que é verdadeiro não muda de acordo com as circunstâncias externas.”

“A través de las prácticas espirituales, estamos golpeando la puerta de la Verdad. Pero es importante recordar que la Verdad no pertenece a una determinada religión o tradición espiritual específica, simplemente es. Fue y siempre será la misma. Aquello que es verdadero no cambia según las circunstancias externas.”

“Through spiritual practices, we are knocking on Truth’s door. It is important to remember that the truth doesn’t pertain to any one particular religion or specific spiritual tradition. The truth simply is. The truth has always been and will always be the same. That which is true doesn’t change according to external circumstances.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Look Deeply at your Life

Look Deeply at Your Life
To practice the dharma is to look into the content of one’s life in a very deep way. To do this, one must be able to discern between one’s strengths and one’s shortcomings.
—Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the 17th Karmapa, "Intelligence & Investigation"
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Monday, December 21, 2015

Via K-LOVE Morning Show / FB:

Via Towleroad: Tim Cook Takes ’60 Minutes’ Inside Apple and Talks About His Own Coming Out: WATCH

Tim Cook

Last night 60 Minutes and Charlie Rose went inside Apple and spoke with CEO Tim Cook, Jony Ive, Angela Ahrendts, Eddie Cue, and other top officials about the company’s innovation, its secrecy, its design lab, the new ‘spaceship’ campus it is building in Cupertino, encryption, taxes, and host of other issues.

Rose also spoke with Cook about his decision to come out of the closet last year.
Said Cook:

“When you’re in a minority group it gives you a sense of empathy of what it’s like to be in the minority and you begin to look at things from different point of views, and I think it was a gift for me.”
Cook added:

“Honestly, I value my privacy. I’m a very private person. But it became increasingly clear to me that if I said something that it could help other people. And I’m glad, because I think that some kid somewhere, some kid in Alabama, I think if they just for a moment stop and say ‘if it didn’t limit him, it may not limit me.’ Or, this kid that’s getting bullied. Or worse, I’ve gotten notes from people contemplating suicide. And so if I could touch just one of those, it’s worth it. And I couldn’t look myself in the mirror without doing it.”

Watch Inside Apple, in two parts, below:

"All I Want For Christmas Is You" MUSIC VIDEO - Steve Grand

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 21/12/2015

“Em um sangha ou comunidade espiritual, é comum vermos buscadores tomados por um ‘ego espiritual’. Os mais adiantados quase não são vistos, e aqueles que precisam de atenção, estão realmente chamando atenção. Porém, você não deve se incomodar com isso, pois é o próprio ego que se incomoda com o ego do outro. Estando livre disso, você não liga para o que o outro está fazendo. Ele está na sua viagem, querendo sentir-se especial mas você não liga, pois sabe que é o que ele precisa viver; que é somente uma fase. Portanto, não se preocupe com o outro – trate de olhar para si mesmo.”

“En un sangha o comunidad espiritual, es común ver a los buscadores tomados por un "ego espiritual". Los más adelantados apenas son vistos, y aquellos que necesitan de atención, están realmente llamando la atención. Sin embargo, no debes incomodarte con esto, ya que es el propio ego el que se incomoda con el ego del otro. Estando libre de esto, no te enganchas con lo que el otro está haciendo. Él está en su viaje, queriendo sentirse especial pero no te molesta,porque sabes que es lo que precisa vivir; que solo es una fase. Por lo tanto, no te preocupes con el otro - trata de mirar hacia ti mismo.”

“In a sangha or spiritual community, it is common to find seekers taken over by the ‘spiritual ego.’ Truly advanced seekers are almost invisible, while those who yearn for attention really clamor for it. But please don’t be bothered by this, for it is the ego itself that is bothered by the ego in the other. If you are free of this, you won’t even pay attention to what the other is doing. That person may be in their own trip wanting to feel special, but you don’t get affected because you know this is what that person is needing to go through, that it's just a phase. In sum, don’t worry about the other, and take a good look at yourself.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Brave Uncertainty

Brave Uncertainty
Anxiety, heartbreak, and tenderness mark the in-between state. It's the kind of place we usually want to avoid. . . . When we are brave enough to stay in the middle, compassion arises spontaneously.
—Pema Chödrön, "The In-between State"
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