“Uno de los aspectos más importantes a ser identificadopor el buscador
de sí mismo es la máscara. La máscara es un pretenderser. Se trata de un
mecanismo que creaste para sobrevivir a los choques de exclusión y
rechazo. En determinado momentoaprendiste que, al usar la máscara,
consigues sacardel otro alguna energía. Pero cuando puedes identificar
la máscara, percibes que ese esun mecanismo destructivo; es uno de los
instrumentosque hace que tu corazón permanezca cerrado - es lo que te
lanza al infierno.”
“One of the most important aspects for the spiritual seeker to identify is their mask. A mask is a total pretense. It is a mechanism created in order to survive the shocks of exclusion and rejection we have experienced. At one point in time, we learned that by using a mask, we were able to get some energy from the other. However, when we are able to identify our mask, we perceive that this is a destructive mechanism: it is one of the instruments that keep our hearts closed. It is what catapults us into the realm of hell.”
“One of the most important aspects for the spiritual seeker to identify is their mask. A mask is a total pretense. It is a mechanism created in order to survive the shocks of exclusion and rejection we have experienced. At one point in time, we learned that by using a mask, we were able to get some energy from the other. However, when we are able to identify our mask, we perceive that this is a destructive mechanism: it is one of the instruments that keep our hearts closed. It is what catapults us into the realm of hell.”