“Libertad es lo que el ser humano más ansía en la vida. Pero, ¿qué es
libertad? Muchos confunden libertad con la satisfacción de los impulsos
instintivos y egoístas. No comprenden que estos impulsos representan
justamente lo opuesto, son verdaderas prisiones. La libertad no tiene
nada que ver con las conquistas del ego. Ella es sinónimo de
espontaneidad; y la espontaneidad siempre se manifiesta con sabiduría y
compasión, por lo tanto no puede lastimar a nadie.”
“Freedom is what human beings most long for in life. But what is freedom? Many confuse freedom with satisfying selfish instinctive impulses. They don’t understand that these impulses represent exactly the opposite. These impulses are the real prison. Freedom has nothing to do with the conquests of the ego. Freedom is synonymous with spontaneity. Spontaneity always manifests with wisdom and compassion, and in this way, no one is hurt.”
“Freedom is what human beings most long for in life. But what is freedom? Many confuse freedom with satisfying selfish instinctive impulses. They don’t understand that these impulses represent exactly the opposite. These impulses are the real prison. Freedom has nothing to do with the conquests of the ego. Freedom is synonymous with spontaneity. Spontaneity always manifests with wisdom and compassion, and in this way, no one is hurt.”