Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Intention: Cultivating Equanimity



Cultivating Equanimity
Whatever you intend, whatever you plan, and whatever you have a tendency toward, that will become the basis upon which your mind is established. (SN 12.40) Develop meditation on equanimity, for when you develop meditation on equanimity, all aversion is abandoned. (MN 62) 

The purpose of equanimity is warding off attachment. (Vm 9.97) When a person seeing a form with the eye is not attached to pleasing forms and not repelled by unpleasing forms, they have established mindfulness and dwell with an unlimited mind. For a person whose mindfulness is developed and practiced, the eye does not struggle to reach pleasing forms, and unpleasing forms are not considered repulsive. (SN 35.274)
Equanimity is the antidote to aversion. Just as we can develop an aversive tendency through practice and habit, we can develop equanimity as a primary character trait and latent tendency. We can practice this at the level of primary sensory contact, such as described here using visual information. Practice just seeing what is there, without attachment or aversion; gaze upon your visual sphere with equanimity.

Daily Practice
When you are looking at something using your eyes, notice when this is accompanied by a subtle “I don’t like this” or “This is not good.” When you are aware of this happening, try replacing the aversion with an attitude of equanimity: “This is the way this is. I don’t need to judge it or disapprove of it. Let it be.” In this way the eye is not struggling against unpleasing forms and is thus not attached to their being different than they are. 

Tomorrow: Refraining from Frivolous Speech
One week from today: Cultivating Lovingkindness

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Via Daily Dharma: Art Reflects Mind


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Art Reflects Mind 

The product of your art is a snapshot of the state of your mind in the moments of creation.

Cristina Moon, “Everyone Thinks They’re an Artist”


Preserving the Impermanent
By Pamela D. Winfield
A medieval Japanese epic demonstrates anime as a viable vehicle for creatively engaging with serious subjects, while still making them accessible and enjoyable to the general spectator. 
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Aging as a Spiritual Practice
An Online Course with Lewis Richmond
Confront the realities of growing older with clear-sightedness and compassion with Zen teacher and ordained disciple of Suzuki Roshi, Lewis Richmond. His experience and unique meditation practices will help you to meet life with wisdom, acceptance, and greater ease.
Enroll now »

Via White Crane Institute // Tiananmen Square


Tianamen Square 1989
1989 -

The killing around Tiananmen Square started soon after midnight. It was a different army from the unarmed one which had tried to enter the square on Friday night and failed. This one was told to kill, and the soldiers with their AK- 47 automatic rifles and the armoured personnel carriers with their machine guns opened fire indiscriminately, in the air, directly at the huge crowds, at small groups, everywhere.

Lined up in rows across the Avenue of Eternal Peace, they advanced slowly, shooting all the while, then they would halt and kneel and fire directly into the crowd. They did the same at the southern end of the square by Zhengyang Gate. When both ends of the square were cleared, they switched off the lights and encircled the thousands of students who had crowded together on the Revolutionary Heroes' monument. Dawn broke and riot police moved in with truncheons. Everyone expected the army. But no one expected such ferocity, such armor, such numbers. There were more than 100,000 soldiers. It is unknown to this day how many demonstrators were killed in the square.


Gay Wisdom for Daily Living from White Crane Institute

"With the increasing commodification of gay news, views, and culture by powerful corporate interests, having a strong independent voice in our community is all the more important. White Crane is one of the last brave standouts in this bland new world... a triumph over the looming mediocrity of the mainstream Gay world." - Mark Thompson

Exploring Gay Wisdom & Culture since 1989!


Monday, June 3, 2024

Via FB


"We Were Denied a Home For Being Gay" | Good Morning Britain

Via L.A.Times


Via FB


Via FB // By john roedel

 Happy Gay Pride….😍✊🏽✊🏽🌈🌈

I spoke to a person 

who is convinced their

deceased brother 

is in hell

simply because of 

who they loved

I told them that 

if hell is real

I don't think 

it is a destination

I believe hell is a campsite

that gets formed in the hearts

of people who judge others

for living a life that they refuse

to try and understand

those who condemn 

others to damnation

are the city managers of 

hell on Earth

my love,

let us build a heaven

in the space that exists

between my life and yours

let us create an endless garden

paradise where every single

exotic flower is honored

let us form a community of

angels who don't try to 

polish each other's halos

we only have 

so many heartbeats

left inside of us

to waste a single one

on deciding who gets

to grow like a sunflower

under the light of the hereafter

who knows what happens

to us once our bodies release

our souls like birthday party balloons?

~ why spend an ounce of energy

on deciding who gets to go to heaven

when we can spend our lives

building it here on Earth

with the bricks of how we

treat each other?

until I hear the harps

and see the golden gates

I'm going to consider this 

world the Promised Land

and I promise to be as kind

as I can be with your heart

while we are here together 

~ john roedel

(watercolor art by Tanta Gloria)

Via FB


Via Daily Dharma: Silence Needs Wisdom


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Silence Needs Wisdom

Although staying silent in the face of provocation is certainly commendable, it may not be sufficient; silence needs to be tempered with wisdom.

Tara Anand, “Differentiating ‘Noble Silence’ from ‘The Silent Treatment’”


Working With the Five Hindrances: Restlessness and Worry
By Vanessa Zuisei Goddard
Tips for working with the hindrance of anxiousness, plus a printable aid.
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Via Dhamma Wheel | Right View: Understanding the Noble Truth of the Way to the Cessation of Suffering



Understanding the Noble Truth of the Way to the Cessation of Suffering
And what is the way leading to the cessation of suffering? It is just this noble eightfold path: that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. (MN 9)

One perfects their ethical behavior by abandoning misbehavior among sensual pleasures . . . (DN 2)
This is by now a familiar theme for us, the focus on refining ethical behavior and abandoning actions driven by sensual pleasures. The path to the cessation of suffering can be followed only by observing the ethical precepts, and the precept guarding against inappropriate sexuality is as important as the others. Remember: sensuality can include a much wider range of interpretations than the merely sexual.

Daily Practice
Reflect honestly on your own behavior, especially the extent to which it may or may not be entangled in sensual desire. Sensuality is a sensitive and challenging topic, and it often seems there is an extra charge around matters of sexuality. This text is inviting you to look openly at ways leading to the end of suffering and in particular to look for ways in which a different perspective on sensuality might help reduce some kinds of suffering.

Tomorrow: Cultivating Equanimity
One week from today: Understanding the Noble Truth of Suffering

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