Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Via Daily Dharma: Facing Conflict Head on and Belly Button Forward


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Facing Conflict Head on and Belly Button Forward

Over the weeks, months, and then years of training in Kendo, it would become deeply ingrained in me to face conflict and challenges this way: head on and belly button forward.

Cristina Moon, “Stand Tall, Cut Straight”


A House in Cape Breton
By Helen Tworkov
In this excerpt from Lotus Girl, the new memoir from Tricycle’s founder, Helen Tworkov paints a picture of her time spent in Nova Scotia with Pema Chödrön, a German Shepherd, and a weasel. 
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528Hz + 741Hz + 432Hz - The DEEPEST Healing Frequency, Alpha Waves Heal ...

Via Tricycle /// Dream Yoga


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Learn to Awaken In Your Dreams
Dream Yoga is one of the most popular courses that we have ever released. For that reason, we are partnering with Andrew Holecek to organize a second live run! 

This means that you will have the opportunity to learn from watching the videos and previously recorded calls, and participate in a new live call on Thursday, September 5th at 3pm MDT / 5pm EST. On top of that, you’ll have the chance to connect with a cohort of students traveling on the path with you.

“This course takes one there and back again with all of the best Buddhist safety mechanisms in place to help ensure a merit-worthy journey. Profound, powerful, wise and compassionate; a deep bow to Andrew. Wonderful subject matter and it is beautifully taught.”
— Past Dream Yoga student

Each year we spend at least 720 hours dreaming. Dream yoga is a unique and transformative practice that allows you to explore your mind while dreaming, so you are using this significant portion of your life to your greatest advantage.

Dream yoga can be learned by anyone—no previous experience is necessary.

This course will teach you about the extraordinary mental and physical benefits associated with dream yoga, including:
  • Treating depression and anxiety
  • Cleaning up bad habits and cultivating good ones
  • Reducing nightmares, reframing troubling dreams, and alleviating phobias
  • Processing grief and resolving interpersonal issues
  • Providing a space to rehearse challenging tasks and enhance performance
  • Boosting creativity and problem-solving skills
Enroll today to join the course starting August 19 to discover how awakening in your dreams can profoundly transform your waking life.
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© 2024 Tricycle Foundation
89 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003

Monday, July 22, 2024

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Via HRC /// Kamila Harris


Via the ADVOCATE // How pro LGBTQ+ is Kamila Harris?


Listen 5 Minutes a Day and Your Life Will Completely Change | Pure Tibet...

7 Hidden Biblical Truths About HOMOS*XUALITY Every Christian Must Know

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right View: Understanding the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering



Understanding the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
What is the cessation of suffering? It is the remainderless fading away and ceasing, the giving up, relinquishing, letting go, and rejecting of craving. (MN 9)

When one knows and sees perception as it actually is, then one is not attached to perception. When one abides unattached, one is not infatuated, and one’s craving is abandoned. One’s bodily and mental troubles are abandoned, and one experiences bodily and mental well-being. (MN 149)
Last week the emphasis was on how not knowing and seeing perception accurately can lead to attachment and the difficulties that it brings. Here the focus instead is on the benefits of understanding perception appropriately. Perception, the mental function of interpreting sensory data, is a natural and useful thing for the mind to do. In fact, it is a great ally helping us bring insight and understanding to the world of our experience.

Daily Practice
Practice making the step from mindfulness to insight. That is, when you are mindful of the sensations of the breath, for example, go on to notice that they are constantly changing and that it is the characteristic of all sensations to be impermanent and in flux. When observing the thoughts flowing through the mind, recognize they do not belong to anybody, but are interdependently arisen. This is perception facilitating right view.

Tomorrow: Cultivating Appreciative Joy
One week from today: Understanding the Noble Truth of the Way to the Cessation of Suffering

Share your thoughts and join the conversation on social media

Visit the Dhamma Wheel orientation page.

Tricycle is a nonprofit and relies on your support to keep its wheels turning.

© 2024 Tricycle Foundation
89 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003

Via Daily Dharma: Dive Into Sadness


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Dive Into Sadness

When we try to oppose and resist whirlpools of thought-fueled sadness, to swim away from them through thought, we become exhausted from the effort, while our misery only increases. But when we dive into the whirlpools, astonishing things happen.

David Edwards, “Meditation in an Age of Cataclysms” 


Making the Sangha Whole
By Vicki Mackenzie
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, a nun in the Tibetan tradition, discusses the pushback and success in the full ordination of women. 
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Dhamma Wheel
365 Days of Practice to Your Inbox
Commit to a year of contemplative study with Tricycle’s first-ever daily email course, created by Buddhist scholar Andrew Olendzki. 
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