From the poll: "63% of Americans say that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right
to marry and have their marriages recognized by the law as valid. That's
up from 49% in August 2010. Over that time, the share who see marriage
as a constitutional right has climbed 15 points among Republicans to 42%
and 19 points among Democrats to 75%."
Reposted from Joe Jervis
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Via Huffington Post: Unearthed Letter From Freud Reveals His Thoughts On Gay People
In 1935, Sigmund Freud penned a response to a mother who had asked
him for help with her gay son. Despite the broader perceptions of
homosexuality at the time, Freud took a different approach, telling the
woman it's "nothing to be ashamed of."
"I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual. I am most impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term for yourself in your information about him. May I question you why you avoid it?" he wrote. "Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation; it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function, produced by a certain arrest of sexual development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them."
While the this correspondence sheds light on his personal communications, it has long been known that Freud did not view homosexuality as a pathology. He believed everyone was born bisexual and later became either straight or gay because of the relationships with those around them. In the letter, Freud does suggest "treatment" for homosexuality may be possible, but says the result "cannot be predicted."
The letter currently appears on display in London as part of an exhibition at Wellcome Collection called "The Institute of Sexology."
(Make the jump for full article and transcription.)
"I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual. I am most impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term for yourself in your information about him. May I question you why you avoid it?" he wrote. "Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation; it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function, produced by a certain arrest of sexual development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them."
While the this correspondence sheds light on his personal communications, it has long been known that Freud did not view homosexuality as a pathology. He believed everyone was born bisexual and later became either straight or gay because of the relationships with those around them. In the letter, Freud does suggest "treatment" for homosexuality may be possible, but says the result "cannot be predicted."
The letter currently appears on display in London as part of an exhibition at Wellcome Collection called "The Institute of Sexology."
(Make the jump for full article and transcription.)
Via Daily Dharma
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 18/02/2015
“A desconstrução do falso eu não é fácil devido ao apego que
desenvolvemos por aquilo que foi construído. Quanto maior o apego, maior
o sofrimento. Quando você está consciente do processo da desconstrução,
e do quanto ela é positiva e necessária, a travessia se torna um pouco
mais fácil. Mas, não estando consciente, você acha que está simplesmente
perdendo tudo o que construiu, e sente isso como algo muito negativo. Assim
o processo pode ser bastante desafiador, pois a desconstrução é
permeada pelo medo: da escassez, de ficar sozinho, de não conseguir
completar a travessia, de morrer, de não ver nada no lugar daquilo que
está indo embora... Medo de tudo. E o medo abre portas para todos os
tipos de ‘demônios’. Por isso, a compreensão a respeito desse processo é
de grande valia.”
deconstrucción del falso yo no es fácil debido al apego que
desarrollamos por aquello que fue construido. Cuanto mayor es el apego,
mayor es el sufrimiento. Cuando estás consciente del proceso de
deconstrucción, y de cuán positivo y necesario es, la travesía se vuelve
un poco más fácil. Pero no estando consciente, crees que estás
simplemente perdiendo todo lo que construiste, y sientes esto como algo
muy negativo. Así el proceso puede ser bastante desafiante, porque la
deconstrucción es permeada por el miedo: a la escasez, a quedarse solo, a
no conseguir completar la travesía, a morir, a no ver nada en el lugar
de aquello que se está yendo... Miedo de todo. Y el miedo abre las
puertas a todo tipo de "demonios". Por eso, la comprensión acerca de
este proceso es de gran valor.”
"Deconstructing the false self is difficult due to the attachment we develop to what this false self has created. The greater the attachment, the greater we suffer. When we are aware of the deconstruction process and that it is both positive and necessary, this passage becomes a little easier. However, when we are not aware of this process, and we think we’re simply losing everything we have built, this feels like something very negative. Consequently, the process can be quite challenging because the deconstruction is permeated by fear: the fear of scarcity, of being alone, of not completing the journey, of death, of nothing coming to replace what is going away... There is the fear of everything. This fear opens the door to all types of ‘demons.’ Therefore, comprehending this process is of great value."
"Deconstructing the false self is difficult due to the attachment we develop to what this false self has created. The greater the attachment, the greater we suffer. When we are aware of the deconstruction process and that it is both positive and necessary, this passage becomes a little easier. However, when we are not aware of this process, and we think we’re simply losing everything we have built, this feels like something very negative. Consequently, the process can be quite challenging because the deconstruction is permeated by fear: the fear of scarcity, of being alone, of not completing the journey, of death, of nothing coming to replace what is going away... There is the fear of everything. This fear opens the door to all types of ‘demons.’ Therefore, comprehending this process is of great value."
Via Daily Dharma
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Via Baha'i Inspired Clinical Counselling Services: Short Prayer for Decision
The prayer is to be recited 19 times, followed by (1) meditation on the
problem, (2) the formulation of a solution, and (3) the implementation
of the conceived solution:
"O my God! Thou seest me detached from everything save Thee and clinging to Thee.
"O my God! Thou seest me detached from everything save Thee and clinging to Thee.
Guide me then, in my doings, in a manner which profiteth me for the
glory of Thy Cause and the loftiness of the state of Thy servants."
"The Research Department of the Universal House of Justice has advised that the prayer... was revealed by Bahá’u’lláh to Jináb-i-Samandar [Shaykh Kázim Samandar], the father of the Hand of the Cause of God, Tarázu’lláh Samandarí, to assist him in making a difficult decision." ~ From a letter dated August 21, 2001 from the Department of the Secretariat
~ Baha'u'llah
"The Research Department of the Universal House of Justice has advised that the prayer... was revealed by Bahá’u’lláh to Jináb-i-Samandar [Shaykh Kázim Samandar], the father of the Hand of the Cause of God, Tarázu’lláh Samandarí, to assist him in making a difficult decision." ~ From a letter dated August 21, 2001 from the Department of the Secretariat
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 17/02/2015
“Estamos aqui chamando pelo senhor Shiva. Quando chamamos com o
coração, ele se manifesta; e quando ele se manifesta, precisamos dar
conta. Porque Shiva é a consciência cósmica, mas também é o poder de
transformação. Antes que a consciência cósmica possa se manifestar, é
preciso transformar o que precisa ser transformado. Isso implica em um
processo de desconstrução do sistema de condicionamentos e crenças, e de todas as estruturas criadas pelo falso eu - inclusive ele próprio.”
“Estamos aquí llamando al señor Shiva. Cuando llamamos con el corazón, él se manifiesta; y cuando él se manifiesta, precisamos percibirlo. Porque Shiva es la conciencia cósmica, pero también es el poder de transformación. Antes de que la conciencia cósmica pueda manifestarse, es necesario transformar lo que precisa ser transformado. Esto implica un proceso de deconstrucción del sistema de condicionamientos y creencias, y de todas las estructuras creadas por el falso yo - incluido él mismo.”
“We are here calling for Lord Shiva. When we call him with our hearts, he manifests himself, and we must take account when he does so. Not only is Shiva the symbol of cosmic consciousness, but he is also the power of transformation. Before cosmic consciousness can manifest, it’s necessary to transform that which needs to be transformed. This implies a process of deconstructing our conditionings and belief systems, and all the structures created by the false ‘I’ – including the false ‘I’ itself.”
“Estamos aquí llamando al señor Shiva. Cuando llamamos con el corazón, él se manifiesta; y cuando él se manifiesta, precisamos percibirlo. Porque Shiva es la conciencia cósmica, pero también es el poder de transformación. Antes de que la conciencia cósmica pueda manifestarse, es necesario transformar lo que precisa ser transformado. Esto implica un proceso de deconstrucción del sistema de condicionamientos y creencias, y de todas las estructuras creadas por el falso yo - incluido él mismo.”
“We are here calling for Lord Shiva. When we call him with our hearts, he manifests himself, and we must take account when he does so. Not only is Shiva the symbol of cosmic consciousness, but he is also the power of transformation. Before cosmic consciousness can manifest, it’s necessary to transform that which needs to be transformed. This implies a process of deconstructing our conditionings and belief systems, and all the structures created by the false ‘I’ – including the false ‘I’ itself.”
Via Daily Dharma
Monday, February 16, 2015
Via Believe Out Loud / FB:
"After a seven-month WestPac deployment, the USS San Francisco (SSN 711) submarine warship returned home to Naval Base Point Loma in San Diego yesterday. With every return comes the ceremonial "first kiss" of sailors disembarking from the vessel, and Monday's kiss was particularly notable as it was the first time ever a male same-sex couple was chosen" smile emoticon heart emoticon
Read more:
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 15/02/2015
“Em ambientes de crueldade, onde as forças contrárias ao Amor atuam
livremente, é muito difícil sustentar a conexão. Sustentar a conexão, em
outras palavras, significa sustentar a presença do amor. E o que te faz
sentir-se bem é justamente o amor fluindo do seu coração. Mas, o amor
não pode se expressar em um ambiente de crueldade, pois essas forças
restringem sua capacidade de amar - elas fecham seu coração. Isso acontece
quase como uma proteção, para a sua sobrevivência. Porque ao manter-se
aberto a crueldade entra e você começa a se machucar.”
“En ambientes de crueldad, donde las fuerzas contrarias al Amor actúan libremente, es muy difícil sustentar la conexión. Sustentar la conexión, en otras palabras, significa sustentar la presencia del amor. Y lo que te hace sentir bien es justamente el amor fluyendo de tu corazón. Pero el amor no puede expresarse en un ambiente de crueldad, porque esas fuerzas restringen tu capacidad de amar – ellas cierran tu corazón. Eso sucede casi como una protección para tu supervivencia. Porque al mantenerte abierto, la crueldad entra y tú comienzas a lastimarte.”
"In cruel environments where the forces opposing love reign freely, it’s very difficult to maintain our connection by sustaining the presence of love. What makes us feel good is feeling love flowing from our heart. However, love cannot express itself in a cruel environment because these forces restrict our ability to love, and they close our heart. This happens almost like a protection mechanism for our own survival. If we remain open, the cruelty enters and we begin to get hurt.”
Acesse ao Satsang Completo:
“En ambientes de crueldad, donde las fuerzas contrarias al Amor actúan libremente, es muy difícil sustentar la conexión. Sustentar la conexión, en otras palabras, significa sustentar la presencia del amor. Y lo que te hace sentir bien es justamente el amor fluyendo de tu corazón. Pero el amor no puede expresarse en un ambiente de crueldad, porque esas fuerzas restringen tu capacidad de amar – ellas cierran tu corazón. Eso sucede casi como una protección para tu supervivencia. Porque al mantenerte abierto, la crueldad entra y tú comienzas a lastimarte.”
"In cruel environments where the forces opposing love reign freely, it’s very difficult to maintain our connection by sustaining the presence of love. What makes us feel good is feeling love flowing from our heart. However, love cannot express itself in a cruel environment because these forces restrict our ability to love, and they close our heart. This happens almost like a protection mechanism for our own survival. If we remain open, the cruelty enters and we begin to get hurt.”
Via Daily Dharma
Sunday, February 15, 2015
If you haven't already, sign for LGBT marriage equality! 38 down, 12 more states to go:
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 15/02/2015
“Em ambientes de crueldade, onde as forças contrárias ao Amor atuam
livremente, é muito difícil sustentar a conexão. Sustentar a conexão, em
outras palavras, significa sustentar a presença do amor. E o que te faz
sentir-se bem é justamente o amor fluindo do seu coração. Mas, o amor
não pode se expressar em um ambiente de crueldade, pois essas forças
restringem sua capacidade de amar - elas fecham seu coração. Isso acontece
quase como uma proteção, para a sua sobrevivência. Porque ao manter-se
aberto a crueldade entra e você começa a se machucar.”
“En ambientes de crueldad, donde las fuerzas contrarias al Amor actúan libremente, es muy difícil sustentar la conexión. Sustentar la conexión, en otras palabras, significa sustentar la presencia del amor. Y lo que te hace sentir bien es justamente el amor fluyendo de tu corazón. Pero el amor no puede expresarse en un ambiente de crueldad, porque esas fuerzas restringen tu capacidad de amar – ellas cierran tu corazón. Eso sucede casi como una protección para tu supervivencia. Porque al mantenerte abierto, la crueldad entra y tú comienzas a lastimarte.”
"In cruel environments where the forces opposing love reign freely, it’s very difficult to maintain our connection by sustaining the presence of love. What makes us feel good is feeling love flowing from our heart. However, love cannot express itself in a cruel environment because these forces restrict our ability to love, and they close our heart. This happens almost like a protection mechanism for our own survival. If we remain open, the cruelty enters and we begin to get hurt.”
Acesse ao Satsang Completo:
“En ambientes de crueldad, donde las fuerzas contrarias al Amor actúan libremente, es muy difícil sustentar la conexión. Sustentar la conexión, en otras palabras, significa sustentar la presencia del amor. Y lo que te hace sentir bien es justamente el amor fluyendo de tu corazón. Pero el amor no puede expresarse en un ambiente de crueldad, porque esas fuerzas restringen tu capacidad de amar – ellas cierran tu corazón. Eso sucede casi como una protección para tu supervivencia. Porque al mantenerte abierto, la crueldad entra y tú comienzas a lastimarte.”
"In cruel environments where the forces opposing love reign freely, it’s very difficult to maintain our connection by sustaining the presence of love. What makes us feel good is feeling love flowing from our heart. However, love cannot express itself in a cruel environment because these forces restrict our ability to love, and they close our heart. This happens almost like a protection mechanism for our own survival. If we remain open, the cruelty enters and we begin to get hurt.”
- Sri Prem Baba
Via Daily Dharma
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 14/02/2015
“Quando o buscador chega, inicio um trabalho de cura para tratar das
suas feridas emocionais e purificar seu coração das mazelas do passado.
Esse trabalho continua até que ele possa se harmonizar com seu passado e
se libertar dele, ou seja, até que ele possa olhar para trás e
verdadeiramente agradecer por absolutamente tudo que aconteceu na sua
vida. Nesse momento, ele estará pronto para renascer no espírito. Na
verdade, é nesse ponto que a jornada
espiritual realmente inicia. Porque até então era um trabalho
psicoespiritual de cura e transformação da natureza inferior.”
“Cuando el buscador llega, inicio un trabajo de cura para tratar sus
heridas emocionales y purificar su corazón de los males del pasado. Ese
trabajo continúa hasta que pueda armonizarse con su pasado y se libere
de él, o sea, hasta que pueda mirar para atrás y verdaderamente
agradecer por absolutamente todo lo que sucedió en su vida. En ese
momento, estará listo para renacer en el espíritu. En verdad, es en ese
punto que el camino espiritual realmente inicia. Porque hasta entonces
era un trabajo psicoespiritual de cura y transformación de la naturaleza
"When the seeker arrives, a healing work begins to address one’s emotional wounds and to purify the heart’s ailments from the past. This work continues until one can be in harmony with one’s past and be liberated from it; until one can look back and truly be thankful for absolutely everything that has happened in one’s life. At this moment, one is ready to be reborn in spirit. In fact, this is when the spiritual journey actually begins. Everything up until this point was merely a psychospiritual work of healing and transforming one’s lower nature."
"When the seeker arrives, a healing work begins to address one’s emotional wounds and to purify the heart’s ailments from the past. This work continues until one can be in harmony with one’s past and be liberated from it; until one can look back and truly be thankful for absolutely everything that has happened in one’s life. At this moment, one is ready to be reborn in spirit. In fact, this is when the spiritual journey actually begins. Everything up until this point was merely a psychospiritual work of healing and transforming one’s lower nature."
- Sri Prem Baba
Via JMG: From Alabama's Largest Newspaper
The Birmingham News has been absolutely relentless in their
supportive coverage of Alabama's marriage battle and one of the stars of
that coverage has been cartoonist JD Crowe. Hit the link for a slideshow of Crowe's work about Judge Roy Moore.
Reposted from Joe Jervis
Via JMG: Antonin Scalia: Don't Paint Me As Anti-Gay
"The issue of gay rights, on abortion, on many of the issues in which
Ruth’s opinions and mine differ does not pertain to the substance. It
doesn’t pertain to whether gay people ought to have those rights or
whether there ought to be a constitutional right or a right to an
abortion. That isn’t the issue. The issue is who decides. That’s all. I
don’t have any public views on any of those things. The point is who
decides? Should these decisions be made by the Supreme Court without any
text in the Constitution or any history in the Constitution to support
imposing on the whole country or is it a matter left to the people? But
don’t paint me as anti-gay or anti-abortion or anything else. All I’m
doing on the Supreme Court is opining about who should decide."
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, speaking last night at the George Washington University event where Ruth Bader Ginsburg made her "not 100% sober" comment.
Reposted from Joe Jervis
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