“No es posible aprender a amar porque aprender implica recibir algo de
afuera. Y si el amor es la savia de la vida, la respiración del alma,
entonces no es una cuestión de aprender a amar, sino de desaprender a
odiar. El niño nace amando, pero luego aprende a odiar. Muy pronto
aprende a sentir celos y a regatear, lo que acciona un círculo vicioso
que hace que él interrumpa el flujo natural del amor, es decir, algunas
piedras son puestas en el camino. Entonces para que el amor sea
develado, es necesario remover estas piedras que están cubriendo la
fuente del amor que nos habita.”
"It’s not possible to learn how to love, because learning implies receiving something from the outside. If love is the nectar of life, the breath of the soul, then it’s not a matter of learning how to love, but rather an unlearning of hatred. A child is born loving, but soon learns to hate. Early on, we learn to feel jealous and how to bargain, which triggers a vicious circle that makes us break with the natural flow of love. In other words, some stones are placed on our paths. In order to unveil love, we must remove these stones that are covering up the source of love that dwells in each of us."
"It’s not possible to learn how to love, because learning implies receiving something from the outside. If love is the nectar of life, the breath of the soul, then it’s not a matter of learning how to love, but rather an unlearning of hatred. A child is born loving, but soon learns to hate. Early on, we learn to feel jealous and how to bargain, which triggers a vicious circle that makes us break with the natural flow of love. In other words, some stones are placed on our paths. In order to unveil love, we must remove these stones that are covering up the source of love that dwells in each of us."