“Uma das chaves fundamentais para a sustentação do êxtase, é não nos
apegarmos a um desfecho determinado para as situações. É aprender a se
mover na sabedoria da incerteza, ou seja, libertar-se de toda e qualquer
expectativa. Isso significa abrir mão do controle, e entregar-se para o
fluxo da vida. Permitir que Deus nos leve. Desde as coisas mais simples
até as mais complexas.”
“One of the fundamental keys to sustaining ecstasy is not to cling to any particular outcome of a situation. The key lies in learning how to move in the wisdom of uncertainty by freeing ourselves of any expectations. This means giving up our control and surrendering to the flow of life. We allow God to lead us – from the simplest of circumstances to the most complex.”
“One of the fundamental keys to sustaining ecstasy is not to cling to any particular outcome of a situation. The key lies in learning how to move in the wisdom of uncertainty by freeing ourselves of any expectations. This means giving up our control and surrendering to the flow of life. We allow God to lead us – from the simplest of circumstances to the most complex.”