“Los vicios funcionan como adormecedores o anestésicos. Pueden ser
cosas o emociones que son elementos simbólicos, es decir, algo externo
que representa lo que está faltando dentro. Algo que calme el huracán de
sentimientos y llene, aunque sea temporariamente, el vacío interior.
Drogas, comida, sexo, internet, dinero... Todo para aliviar el dolor de
la ruptura con la esencia, lo que generó la ilusión de que somos seres
separados del todo y que dependemos de algo externo para ser felices.”
“Addictions work like shock-absorbers or anesthetics. We can either be physically or emotionally addicted to things that symbolize what’s missing inside of us. These addictions serve to calm the whirlwind of feelings and temporarily fill the emptiness inside of us. Drugs, food, sex, Internet and money are all used to alleviate the pain of the split from our essence. This split created the illusion that we are separate from everything and rely on something external in order to be happy.”
“Addictions work like shock-absorbers or anesthetics. We can either be physically or emotionally addicted to things that symbolize what’s missing inside of us. These addictions serve to calm the whirlwind of feelings and temporarily fill the emptiness inside of us. Drugs, food, sex, Internet and money are all used to alleviate the pain of the split from our essence. This split created the illusion that we are separate from everything and rely on something external in order to be happy.”
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