“Espiritualidad significa moverse en dirección a la puerta de la
Verdad. Y al llegar delante de la puerta, precisas golpear - golpear,
golpear y golpear hasta que la puerta se abra. Este golpear la puerta
comienza con un cuestionamiento; comienza con la toma de conciencia de
tus insatisfacciones y de las creencias que alimentan estas
insatisfacciones. A medida que te concientizas de tus creencias, se
inicia un proceso de resignificación y eso transforma por completo tu
visión respecto de la vida.”
“Spirituality means to move towards the door of the truth. When we arrive in front of the door, we need to knock. We must knock and knock and knock –until the door opens. This ‘knocking’ on the door starts as a questioning. It begins by becoming aware of our dissatisfactions and our beliefs that feed these dissatisfactions. As we become aware of our beliefs, we start a process that gives new meaning to these beliefs, and this completely transforms our view of life.”
“Spirituality means to move towards the door of the truth. When we arrive in front of the door, we need to knock. We must knock and knock and knock –until the door opens. This ‘knocking’ on the door starts as a questioning. It begins by becoming aware of our dissatisfactions and our beliefs that feed these dissatisfactions. As we become aware of our beliefs, we start a process that gives new meaning to these beliefs, and this completely transforms our view of life.”