“Las enfermedades tienen su origen en el nivel del alma. Cuando la
matriz corpórea (que involucra a los cuerpos energético, emocional y
mental) está muy dañada, presa en condicionamientos y marcada por
traumas y heridas, el alma se vuelve escéptica sobre la posibilidad de
la cura, entonces comienza a programar su partida. El alma comienza a
desligarse del cuerpo mediante la activación de conexiones genéticas y
programaciones karmicas que posibilitan y aceleran la muerte. Este es el
misterio por detrás de las enfermedades incurables y de las muertes
"Disease begins at the level of the soul. When the matrix of the corporal body that includes the emotional and mental bodies, are very damaged, locked in conditioning and marred by traumas and wounds, the soul turns skeptical. It doesn't believe in the possibility of being healed. The soul begins to program its departure. The soul starts to disconnect from the body through the activation of genetics and karmic programming that allow and accelerate the process of death. This is the mystery that lies behind incurable diseases and sudden deaths."
"Disease begins at the level of the soul. When the matrix of the corporal body that includes the emotional and mental bodies, are very damaged, locked in conditioning and marred by traumas and wounds, the soul turns skeptical. It doesn't believe in the possibility of being healed. The soul begins to program its departure. The soul starts to disconnect from the body through the activation of genetics and karmic programming that allow and accelerate the process of death. This is the mystery that lies behind incurable diseases and sudden deaths."