Thursday, February 23, 2012

Via JMG: Ten House Reps Pose For NOH8

Ten members of the U.S. House have posed for the NOH8 Campaign.
"Our nation was founded upon the principle of equality. It is imperative that we work for equal rights for all in order to make that principle a reality. Love isn't gay or straight, tall or short, black or white, it is for everyone," said Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio's 10th District.
Hit the link for more photos and a way to ask your rep to participate.

Reposted from Joe

JMG Tweet Of The Day

Buzzfeed notes that Romney actually got the quote wrong.

reposted from Joe


Via SPLC and Addicting Info:

Via AmericaBlogGay: Former GOP Senator Alan Simpson calls Santorum homophobic

Sure, he got the grammar wrong, but his heart was in the right place.

Former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wy.) weighed in on the Republican presidential primary on Wednesday, calling Rick Santorum "rigid and a homophobic."

In an interview with CBS News' Bob Schieffer, Simpson faulted the Republican field for making issues like same-sex marriage and reproductive rights central to their platforms, warning that they would lose favor with voters if the conversation does not change.

"I am convinced that if you get into these social issues and just stay in there about abortion and homosexuality and even mental health they bring up, somehow they're going to take us all to Alaska and float us out in the Bering Sea or something," said Simpson, long known for colorful commentary. "We won't have a prayer."

Via AmericaBlogGay:

If we lived in Iran, we wouldn't have to worry about all these judges giving people their civil rights.  Who gave them the power to decide these cases anyway?  Oh yeah, that's right, the Founding Fathers and the United States Constitution.  At their core, Republicans and their religious right overlords simply don't like our system of government because when the system is fair and honest and open, conservatives tend to lose, at least the dishonest ones that currently run the GOP do.  It's the same reason they, along with their propaganda arm at Fox, are trying to destroy the US media.  Anything that keeps the system fair keeps them from winning.

Never forget: When Republicans attack judges they are attacking our democracy and arguing that the Framers got it wrong.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 23, 2012

The Power of Observation

Although meditation is not thinking, it can be clear awareness of thinking. Thought can be a very useful object of meditation. We can turn the great power of observation onto thought in order to learn about its inherent nature, becoming aware of its process instead of getting lost in its content.
- Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein, "Working with Thoughts"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Via JMG: BREAKING: Federal Judge Rules Section 3 Of DOMA Unconstitutional

Chris Geidner reports at Metro Weekly:
Today, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued its order finding that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act -- the federal definition of marriage -- is unconstitutional in Golinski v. Office of Personnel Management, Karen Golinski's challenge to the denial of her request for equal health insurance benefits for her wife. Golinski, a federal court employee, brought suit after her request was denied. She is represented by Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund. Because President Obama and the Department of Justice have stopped defending Section 3 of DOMA in court challenges, the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group -- led by House Republican leadership -- had opposed Golinski's request in court.
Via press release from Lambda Legal:
"This ruling, the first to come after the Justice Department announced it would no longer defend this discriminatory statute in court, spells doom for DOMA," said Tara Borelli, staff attorney in Lambda Legal's Western Regional Office in Los Angeles. "The Court recognized the clear fact that a law that denies one class of individuals the rights and benefits available to all others because of their sexual orientation violates the constitutional guarantee of equality embodied in the Fifth Amendment. The Court agreed with us that sexual orientation discrimination by the government should receive heightened scrutiny under the constitution. It then concluded that DOMA could not meet that standard, and that there was not even a rational justification to deny Karen Golinski the same spousal health care benefits that her heterosexual co-workers receive."
View the ruling.

Politico has more.
White's 43-page decision is similar to a ruling from a federal judge in Massachusetts in 2010, who also struck down an aspect of DOMA. In White's ruling, he also gave an unusual back of the hand to the Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit, Alex Kozinski, who ruled at an earlier administrative stage of the dispute that federal personnel managers had authority to cover Golinski's spouse as a non-spousal member of her family. White called that reasoning "unpersuasive."

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: All Dead Mormons Are Now Gay

Go make some conversions. (Tipped by JMG reader Rick)
reposted from Joe

Hot Topics: The "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Via Christians Tired of Being Misrepresented // The Christian Left:

Via MG: Washington State Marriage Poll

Encouraging. But don't forget the Bradley Effect.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 22, 2012

Just Sitting

Just sitting means just that. That 'just' endlessly goes against the grain of our need to fix, transform, and improve ourselves. The paradox of our practice is that the most effective way of transformation is to leave ourselves alone. The more we let everything be just what it is, the more we relax into an open, attentive awareness of one moment after another.
- Barry Magid, "Leave Yourself Alone"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 21, 2012

Being Here and Now

When we meditate, we relate to that unsettling, ineffable commodity: the present. We train in letting go of thoughts and feelings as they arise, and settle back into the present: that gap between two concepts—past and future—that don’t actually exist. We’re simply being, here and now.
- Pamela Gayle White, "The Pursuit of Happiness"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Monday, February 20, 2012

JMG HomoQuotable - Dan Savage

"In this political climate, with 'conservative' now synonymous with political homophobia, a man who claims to be a 'true conservative' doesn't just default straight. He defaults bigoted. Conservative voters will assume he holds anti-gay political beliefs and they will expect him to vote anti-gay should he be elected to office. So Sheriff Babeu stood to benefit politically—and may have actively sought to benefit politically—from the assumption that he was 1. straight and 2. anti-gay." - Dan Savage.

Reposted  from Joe

JMG Church Sign Of The Day:


reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 20, 2012

Creating Space

As we meditate, we simply sit straight and watch the breath. So what does that do? It creates space. In fact, the technique itself is just a trick. The main point is to recognize all these thoughts and distractions that are constantly bombarding us. We still get angry, but we know that we are angry. When we are angry and know it, the anger has a lot of humor. With that kind of anger, we have more control.
- Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, "Do Nothing"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection