“Nuestro trabajo se mueve entre la esfera de la activación de la
conciencia mayor y la esfera de la purificación de los sótanos del
inconsciente. La activación de la conciencia mayor es cuando tienes
acceso a la memoria de quién eres; es cuando de alguna manera entras en
contacto con expresiones de lo Real, y experimentas fragancias de la
bienaventuranza (amor, paz y libertad). Pero esta experiencia sólo es
posible cuando ya purificaste en algún grado las marcas del pasado de tu
sistema, porque eso es precisamente lo que te impide sustentar el
éxtasis. Este es el trabajo de cura y transformación del yo inferior,
que vengo llamando "ABC de la Espiritualidad". Estas dos esferas de
trabajo precisan ser contempladas simultáneamente.”
"Our work transitions between the spheres of activating our higher consciousness and purifying the dungeons of the unconscious. When you activate your higher consciousness, you can access the remembrance of who you are. When, in some way, you come into contact with the expressions of what is real, it allows you to experience the bliss of the fragrance of love, peace and freedom. But this experience is only possible when you have purified the marks of the past in your system to some degree, because that is precisely what prevents you from sustaining ecstasy. This is the work of healing and transforming the lower self, which I call the ‘ABC of Spirituality.’ These two spheres of work need to be addressed simultaneously."
"Our work transitions between the spheres of activating our higher consciousness and purifying the dungeons of the unconscious. When you activate your higher consciousness, you can access the remembrance of who you are. When, in some way, you come into contact with the expressions of what is real, it allows you to experience the bliss of the fragrance of love, peace and freedom. But this experience is only possible when you have purified the marks of the past in your system to some degree, because that is precisely what prevents you from sustaining ecstasy. This is the work of healing and transforming the lower self, which I call the ‘ABC of Spirituality.’ These two spheres of work need to be addressed simultaneously."