“Lo que saca a la
mente del momento presente es el desear compulsivo. El deseo está
íntimamente relacionado con tu historia: con tu pasado y con las marcas
de tu cuerpo emocional, que actúan como agujeros que intentas llenar a
través de cosas. Deseas una cosa - consigues esta cosa - y te sientes
satisfecho. Sin embargo, este relleno dura muy poco, porque intentas
llenar un agujero interno con algo de afuera. Esto no es posible. Lo
máximo que consigues es vivir la ilusión, por un corto espacio de
tiempo, que tu agujero se llenó. Este agujero sólo puede ser rellenado
desde adentro hacia afuera, es decir, sólo cuando te armonizas con tu
"What takes the mind away from the present moment is compulsive desire. Desires are closely related to our history, our past, and the imprints on our emotional bodies, which are like holes that we try to fill up with things. We desire something, we get it, and we feel satisfied. However, this satisfaction doesn’t last very long, because we’re trying to fill an internal hole with something external. This is not possible. The most we can achieve is to live in this illusion for a short time, believing that the hole was filled. This hole can only be filled from the inside-out. In other words, it will only be filled when we can be in harmony with our past."
"What takes the mind away from the present moment is compulsive desire. Desires are closely related to our history, our past, and the imprints on our emotional bodies, which are like holes that we try to fill up with things. We desire something, we get it, and we feel satisfied. However, this satisfaction doesn’t last very long, because we’re trying to fill an internal hole with something external. This is not possible. The most we can achieve is to live in this illusion for a short time, believing that the hole was filled. This hole can only be filled from the inside-out. In other words, it will only be filled when we can be in harmony with our past."