“Algunas personas comprenden que necesitan rescatar la naturalidad en
los cuidados con la salud, pero terminan desarrollando diversas manías.
Ellas se vuelven obsesivas por remedios y cosas “naturales” (remedios
naturales, comida orgánica...). No es que el remedio natural no sea
genial y la comida orgánica no sea maravillosa, pero al volverte
obsesivo por alguna cosa, dejas de ser natural. Porque lo que es natural
fluye, así como el río.”
"Some people understand the need to care for their health in a more natural way, but oftentimes they develop various obsessions. They become obsessed with natural remedies, organic foods, and so forth. This is not to say that natural medicines aren’t great and that organic food isn’t wonderful, but once we become obsessed with something, it’s no longer natural. That which is natural just flows, like a river."
"Some people understand the need to care for their health in a more natural way, but oftentimes they develop various obsessions. They become obsessed with natural remedies, organic foods, and so forth. This is not to say that natural medicines aren’t great and that organic food isn’t wonderful, but once we become obsessed with something, it’s no longer natural. That which is natural just flows, like a river."