Friday, June 26, 2015

Via FB:

JMG HomoQuotable - Andrew Sullivan

"I never believed this would happen in my lifetime when I wrote my first several TNR essays and then my book, Virtually Normal, and then the anthology and the hundreds and hundreds of talks and lectures and talk-shows and call-ins and blog-posts and articles in the 1990s and 2000s. I thought the book, at least, would be something I would have to leave behind me – secure in the knowledge that its arguments were, in fact, logically irrefutable, and would endure past my own death, at least somewhere. I never for a millisecond thought I would live to be married myself. Or that it would be possible for everyone, everyone in America. But it has come to pass. All of it. In one fell, final swoop. Know hope." - Andrew Sullivan, returning to his blog to spike the ball.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Supreme Court Victory: What You Need to Know

Gay Men's Chorus of Washington Sings National Anthem After Supreme Court Ruling

Publicado em 26 de jun de 2015
The Gay Men's Chorus of Washington performs The Star-Spangled Banner moments after the Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage legal nationwide.

Via Facebook

Today's Daily Dharma: Skillful Speech

Skillful Speech
Few things can improve the nature of our relationships as much as the development of skillful speech. Silence offers us, and those around us, the spaciousness we need to speak more skillfully. When we speak with greater skill, our true self?our compassionate, loving self?emerges with gentle ease.

Allan Lokos, "Skillful Speech"


Reposted from Joe Jervis

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flower of the day 25/06/2015

“Chegou o momento de realizarmos uma revolução na consciência. Isso é possível através do comprometimento com o silêncio. O silêncio evoca a consciência, e a consciência evoca a transformação. A prática de um único minuto em silêncio por dia é capaz de iniciar a maior revolução que o planeta já viu.”

“The time has come to revolutionize our awareness. This is possible through our commitment to cultivating silence. Silence brings awareness, and awareness evokes transformation. The practice of being in silence for just one minute a day could spark the greatest revolution the planet has ever seen.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Making Wisdom Possible

Making Wisdom Possible
As the reordering of our life, brought about by moral training, creates the environment for meditation, the stillness of mind created by meditation will make possible the examination of reality that is the hallmark of wisdom.

Lama Jampa Thaye, "Living by Meditation Alone"

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flower of the day 24/06/2015

“Por alguma razão estamos todos encarnados nessa Terra, portanto nos cabe jogar esse jogo. E não importa o quão desafiador o jogo seja, é possível vencer. Para isso é preciso ter consciência de que caímos e levantamos até que amadurecemos o suficiente para não mais cair. Quando podemos identificar a nossa intencionalidade negativa, podemos escolher fazer diferente, e portanto temos a chance de mudar nossas vidas.”

“We are each born on this Earth for a reason, so it’s up to us to play this game of life. No matter how challenging the game is, it is possible to win. In order to win, we must become aware that we will keep falling down and getting back up until we are mature enough not to fall anymore. When we are able to identify our negative intentionality, we can choose to do things differently, and we consequently have a chance to change our lives.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Exorcise the Zombies

Exorcise the Zombies
In samsara, the city of preconceptions,
Wander the zombies of the eight worldly concerns.
You are in a terrifying charnel ground;
Have your guru perform an exorcism.

Lingraepa, "From Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand"

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Today's Daily Dharma: Getting Back What We Give

Getting Back What We Give

We are always trying to get something? admiration, love, recognition, praise, acknowledgment, even just staying connected. Think how we manipulate and bargain and negotiate to turn a profit from every interaction. Much of this is subtle, unconscious habit. Even when we give, or serve, or love, or pay attention, we?re trying to get something. Sometimes it?s just to get back some of what we give.

-  Sensei Nancy Mujo Baker, "On Not Being Stingy"


Monday, June 22, 2015

JMG HomoQuotable - Jim Parsons

"I never had a coming out piece, I just didn't mention it. I took [my partner] Todd with me to events and then finally one day while working on Harvey I did a piece with Patrick Healy for The New York Times and he just point-blank asked, 'Was working on The Normal Heart meaningful to you as a gay man?' And I was like, 'Well, yeah. Yeah.'  I can't tell you what a wonderful thing that was, what a gift he gave me with one question. It was suddenly out there and official." - Jim Parsons, speaking on Inside The Actors Studio.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 22/06/2015

“No atual estágio da nossa jornada evolutiva a principal prática espiritual é se relacionar com o outro de forma pacífica. Todas as demais práticas devem estar a serviço disso. Muitos buscadores estão preocupados em abrir os chakras, despertar a kundalini, adquirir poderes... Mas nada disso adianta se não pudermos amar. É tempo de sustentar o seu coração aberto enquanto se relaciona com o outro. Enquanto não pudermos manifestar essa consciência amorosa, seguiremos destruindo a natureza, matando os animais e machucado os outros e a nós mesmos.”

Para ouvir o Satsang completo, acesse:

“En el estadio actual de nuestro camino evolutivo, la principal práctica espiritual es relacionarse con el otro de forma pacífica. Todas las demás prácticas deben estar al servicio de eso. Muchos buscadores están preocupados por abrir los chakras, despertar la kundalini, adquirir poderes... Pero nada de eso sirve si no podemos amar. Es tiempo de sustentar tu corazón abierto mientras te relacionas con el otro. Mientras no podamos manifestar esa consciencia amorosa, seguiremos destruyendo la naturaleza, matando los animales y lastimando a los otros y a nosotros mismos.”

“At the current stage of our evolutionary journey, our main spiritual practice is to relate to others peacefully. All other practices should be working towards this. Many seekers are preoccupied with opening chakras, awakening kundalini, and acquiring powers. However, none of this is worth it if we are not able to love. It is time to sustain an open heart while relating to others. As long as we are not able to embody loving awareness, we will continue to destroy nature, kill animals and hurt others as well as ourselves.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Into the Valley

Into the Valley
Religious awakening does not depend initially on who we are or what we do; rather, it is becoming attuned to the working of great compassion at the heart of existence.

Taitetsu Unno, "Into the Valley"

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 21/06/2015

“Embora o relacionamento amoroso seja um poderoso instrumento de aprendizado e integração de aspectos da natureza inferior, ele também pode adiar o seu desenvolvimento espiritual. Muitas vezes, preso pelo apego ou pelo comodismo, você fica no relacionamento repetindo padrões destrutivos: disputas, projeções, ciúme, e assim você passa a andar em círculos. Então você para de crescer, de expandir através do relacionamento. Nesse momento, é preciso ter discernimento, sabedoria e coragem para encerrar essa relação.”
Para ouvir o Satsang completo, acesse o link:

“Aunque la relación amorosa sea un poderoso instrumento de aprendizaje e integración de aspectos de la naturaleza inferior, también puede retrasar tu desarrollo espiritual. Muchas veces, preso por el apego o por la comodidad, te quedas en la relación repitiendo patrones destructivos: peleas, proyecciones, celos, y así das vueltas en círculos. Entonces dejas de crecer, de expandirte a través de la relación. En ese momento, es necesario tener discernimiento, sabiduría y coraje para terminar esa relación.”

“Although loving relationships are a powerful tool for learning and integrating aspects of our lower nature, they can also postpone spiritual growth. Oftentimes, we get stuck in our attachment or complacency, and we stay in the same relationship repeating destructive patterns including arguments, projections and jealousy. Thus, we continue running around in circles. We stop growing and expanding through the relationship. At a time like this, we need to have discernment, wisdom and courage in order to end the relationship.”