Para ouvir o Satsang completo, acesse:
“En el estadio actual de nuestro camino evolutivo, la principal
práctica espiritual es relacionarse con el otro de forma pacífica. Todas
las demás prácticas deben estar al servicio de eso. Muchos buscadores
están preocupados por abrir los chakras, despertar la kundalini,
adquirir poderes... Pero nada de eso sirve si no podemos amar. Es tiempo
de sustentar tu corazón abierto mientras te relacionas con el otro.
Mientras no podamos manifestar esa consciencia amorosa, seguiremos
destruyendo la naturaleza, matando los animales y lastimando a los otros
y a nosotros mismos.”
“At the current stage of our evolutionary journey, our main spiritual practice is to relate to others peacefully. All other practices should be working towards this. Many seekers are preoccupied with opening chakras, awakening kundalini, and acquiring powers. However, none of this is worth it if we are not able to love. It is time to sustain an open heart while relating to others. As long as we are not able to embody loving awareness, we will continue to destroy nature, kill animals and hurt others as well as ourselves.”
“At the current stage of our evolutionary journey, our main spiritual practice is to relate to others peacefully. All other practices should be working towards this. Many seekers are preoccupied with opening chakras, awakening kundalini, and acquiring powers. However, none of this is worth it if we are not able to love. It is time to sustain an open heart while relating to others. As long as we are not able to embody loving awareness, we will continue to destroy nature, kill animals and hurt others as well as ourselves.”
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