Thursday, December 17, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 17/12/2015

“É de grande valia ampliar a percepção para tomar consciência do que te isola do outro. Você perceberá que por trás da separação existe julgamento, comparação e uma série de crenças que fazem com que você se proteja e se mantenha isolado. Vá olhando para tudo isso, mas procure ir mais fundo: encontre o núcleo, a origem dessa crenças, pois isso é o que te impede de se unir – ao outro e ao seu próprio coração. Quando toca esse núcleo, você tem a chance de virar uma chave e de transformar completamente a sua vida.”

“Es de gran valor ampliar la percepción para tomar conciencia de lo que te aísladel otro. Te darás cuentade que por detrás de la separación existe juicio, comparación y una serie de creencias que hacen que te protejas y te mantengas aislado. Anda mirando todo esto, pero trata de ir más profundo: encuentra el núcleo, el origen de estas creencias, ya que esto es lo que te impide unirte, al otro y a tu propio corazón. Cuando tocas este núcleo, tienes la oportunidad de girar una llavey de transformar completamentetu vida.”

"It is of great value to expand our perception and become aware of what isolates us from the other. We may notice that behind the separation exists judgment, comparison and a series of beliefs that make us seek to protect ourselves and remain isolated. Continue to observe this, but try to go deeper: find the core, the origin of these beliefs, as this is what prevents us from uniting with each other and with our own hearts. When we tap into this core, we have a chance to turn the key and completely transform our lives."

Today's Daily Dharma: Teach by Example

Teach by Example
It is not by preaching or expounding the sutras (scriptures) that you fulfill the task of awakening others to self-realization; it is rather by the way you walk, the way you stand, the way you sit and the way you see things.
—Thich Nhat Hanh, "Walking: Meditation on the Move"
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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Via New Civil Rights: Senator Challenges Pope To Rein In Cardinal Who Keeps Calling US Ambassador A 'F****t'

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin engaged in some international diplomacy this week to defend a gay American U.S. Ambassador.

Even before stepping on Dominican Republic soil, James "Wally" Brewster has been the target of anti-gay and ugly attacks by a Dominican Catholic Cardinal. Since his appointment as U.S. 

Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Brewster, who married his husband the same day he was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden, has had to deal with homophobic attacks from the Catholic Church abroad.

Earlier this month, Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez (photo) said Ambassador Brewster should focus on homemaking, because he's married to a man.

"Let him focus on housework, since he's the wife to a man," López Rodríguez told reporters after conducting mass.

In 2013, after discussing Brewster's appointment with reporters, López Rodríguez claimed the U.S.Ambassador would attempt to establish marriage for same-sex couples in the Dominican Republic. He then mockingly said we've been "talking about faggots and lesbians."

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, has had enough. 

On Tuesday he penned a letter to Pope Francis asking His Holiness to rein in his homophobic cardinal.

"Even before Ambassador Brewster’s arrival in Santo Domingo in 2013, Cardinal Rodriguez launched a personal attack against him with public statements quoted in the popular press," Sen. Durbin's letter reads.
The Cardinal used the hateful slur “faggot,” which he continues to use to this day.  In a recent interview Cardinal Rodriguez again described the Ambassador as a “faggot” and falsely claimed the Ambassador was setting out to promote “faggotry” in the Dominican Republic.  The Cardinal described the Ambassador as a “wife” who “should stick to housework.”
Calling Cardinal López Rodriguez's comments "intolerant," Durbin observes the Catholic Church’s "teachings on gay marriage are well known but the Church also teaches us to show tolerance for those with different sexual orientations."
"Since your selection as Pope, you have shared a message of compassion, tolerance, and love," the Illinois Democrat writes, then artfully reminds the Pope of his address before Congress when he told them of their "responsibility to 'defend and preserve the dignity'" of our "'fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good.'"

"I accept that challenge and I am calling on you to ask nothing less of the hierarchy of the Church," Durbin requested.

Image by PresidenciaRD via Flickr and a CC licenseHat tip: Washington Blade


Ian McKellen on coming out at "just the right time." (Dec. 14, 2015) | Charlie Rose

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor de dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 16/12/2015

“A falsa autoconfiança se baseia no controle. A pessoa tenta controlar tudo o que acontece pois somente assim ela pode sentir-se segura. A autêntica autoconfiança não depende de nada externo, ela vem de dentro. Se você confia de verdade, tudo pode estar caindo lá fora, mas você permanece o mesmo.”

“La falsa autoconfianza se basa en el control. La persona trata de controlar todo lo que sucede pues solo así puede sentirse segura. La auténtica autoconfianza no depende de nada externo, viene de adentro. Si confías de verdad, todo puede estar cayéndose afuera, pero sigues siendo el mismo.”

“False self-confidence is based on control. The person tries to control everything that happens because it’s the only way they can feel secure. Authentic self-trust does not rely on anything external – it comes from within. When someone truly trusts, regardless if everything is falling apart on the outside, they simply remain the same.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Patterns of Body, Patterns of Mind

Patterns of Body, Patterns of Mind
As we inhabit our body with increasing sensitivity, we learn its unspoken language and patterns, which gives us tremendous freedom to make choices. The practice of cutting thoughts and dispersing negative repetitive patterns can be simplified by attending to the patterns in the body first, before they begin to be spun around in the mind.
—Jill Satterfield, "Meditation in Motion"
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Buddhist Door

Via Lions Roar: Bhante Henepola Gunaratana on Vipassana Meditation

The Dhammapada, an ancient Buddhist text, says: 

“What you are now is the result of what you were. What you will be tomorrow will be the result of what you are now. The consequences of an evil mind will follow you like the cart follows the ox that pulls it. The consequences of a purified mind will follow you like your own shadow. No one can do more for you than your own purified mind—no parent, no relative, no friend, no one. A well-disciplined mind brings happiness.”

Morgana Bailey: O perigo de esconder quem você é

Via FB:

Via FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 15/12/2015

“O amor desperto é um fluxo contínuo de compaixão; é quando podemos nos colocar no lugar do outro e sentir a dor dele; quando reconhecemos o potencial adormecido no outro e damos força para esse potencial se manifestar. É uma vontade sincera de ver o outro brilhar; de ver o outro feliz e satisfeito. É isso que eu chamo de ‘autêntico altruísmo’. A principal característica do amor desperto é a doação desinteressada. Assim como a flor espalha seu perfume e sua beleza gratuitamente; assim como o sol espalha o seu calor e a sua luz; assim como a chuva molha a terra, e a água mata a sede, a essência do ser humano ama.”

“El amor despierto es un flujo continuo de compasión, es cuando podemos colocarnos en el lugar del otro y sentir su dolor, cuando reconocemos el potencial dormido en el otro y damos fuerza para que ese potencial se manifieste. Es unas ganas sinceras de ver al otro brillar, de ver al otro feliz y satisfecho. Esto es lo que llamo ‘auténtico altruismo’. La principal característica del amor despierto es la entrega desinteresada. Así como la flor esparce su perfume y su belleza gratuitamente, así como el sol esparce su calor y su luz, así como la lluvia moja la tierra, y el agua mata la sed, la esencia del ser humano ama.”

Libro “Amar y Ser Libre”

"Awakened love is a continuous flow of compassion. From this state, we can put ourselves in someone else's shoes and feel their pain. When love awakens we recognize the dormant potential in each other and give supportfor this potential to manifest. It is a sincere desire to see the other shine, be happy and feel satisfied. This is also called authentic altruism, as the main characteristic of awakened love is selfless giving. Just as a flower spreads its fragrance and beauty freely, the sun emanates its warmth and light, the rain wets the earth, and as water quenches thirst, the essence of human beings is to love."

From the book Love and Be Free

Today's Daily Dharma: Watering the Seedlings of Intention

Watering the Seedlings of Intention
Metta practice is the cultivation of our capacity for loving kindness. It does not involve either positive thinking or the imposition of an artificial positive attitude. . . . Rather, we meditate on our good intentions, however weak or strong they may be, and water the seeds of these intentions.
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Monday, December 14, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 14/12/2015

“Talvez você não acredite no amor - talvez nunca tenha amado. Talvez você já tenha sentido uma brisa, algumas notas do perfume do amor, que pode ter se manifestado em relação a uma pessoa; alguém que acorda em você um sentimento que não consegue traduzir em palavras, mas que te eleva, te abre, e te faz sentir e viver coisas que até então você não acreditava que pudessem existir. Você fica feliz sem razão; confia sem razão. Você quer ver o bem do outro e torce por ele, muitas vezes, sem nem mesmo ter motivo para isso. É algo que desafia a lógica. Você não explica o amor, mas tem notícias de que algo assim existe. E é isso que dá sentido para a vida humana.”

“Tal vez no creas en el amor, tal vez nunca hayas amado. Tal vez ya hayas sentido una brisa, algunas notas del perfume del amor, que puede haberse manifestado en relación a una persona, alguien que despierta en ti un sentimiento que no logras traducir en palabras, pero que te eleva, te abre, y te hace sentir y vivir cosas que hasta entonces no creías que pudieran existir. Estás feliz sin razón, confías sin razón. Quieres ver el bien en el otro y lo alientas, muchas veces, sin tener motivo para eso. Es algo que desafía la lógica. No explicas el amor, pero tienes noticias de que algo así existe. Y es esto lo que da sentido a la vida humana.”

"You may not believe in love – perhaps you’ve never even truly loved. You may have felt a breeze, or smelled the scent of love’s perfume in relation to a person who awakens in you a feeling that you can’t even put into words. This feeling elevates you, opens you up, and makes you feel and experience things that you couldn’t have imagined. You feel happy without a cause, and trust without a reason. You wish the other well and root for him or her, oftentimes without even having a reason to do so. It defies logic; you can’t explain love, but you know that something like this exists. This is what gives meaning to human life."

Today's Daily Dharma: A Human Possibility

A Human Possibility
Most of us haven’t been taught that to receive love deeply and transmit it wholeheartedly is a real human possibility, that it can be learned, and that to do so is the key to our deepest well-being, our spiritual life, and our capacity to bring more goodness into this world.
—John Makransky, "Love Is All Around"
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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Via Liberals Unite / FB:

Today's Daily Dharma: Glimpsing What's Not There

Glimpsing What's Not There
If we use precision in our attention, we see—even if only for a moment—that no person is embedded in our mind/body process. We can never forget that experience.
—Ayya Khema, "No Satisfaction"
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Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 13/12/2015

“O ego é o herói da jornada; ele tem uma missão, um trabalho a fazer no mundo. Mas para isso ele precisa estar vazio. Porém, primeiro ele precisa crescer e ficar forte. Ocorre um desenvolvimento pessoal. Você sente que está crescendo e expandindo, mas está em cima de um tapete vermelho. Mas quando está suficientemente grande, o tapete é puxado dos seus pés. Então você começa a encolher, até que se esvazia. E estando vazio, você está pronto para realizar sua missão, que é ser um canal puro do amor.”

“El ego es el héroe del camino, tiene una misión, un trabajo por hacer en el mundo. Pero para esto él necesita estar vacío. Sin embargo, primero necesita crecer y estar fuerte. Ocurre un desarrollo personal. Sientes que estás creciendo y expandiéndote, pero estás arriba de una alfombra roja. Pero cuando está lo suficientemente grande, la alfombra es quitada de tus pies. Entonces comienzas a encogerte, hasta que te vacías. Y estando vacío, estás listo para realizar tu misión, que es ser un canal puro del amor.” 

"The ego is the hero of the day; it has a mission and a job to do in the world. But for this to happen the ego must be empty. First, the ego needs to grow and become strong. Personal development occurs, and you feel that you are growing and expanding while on a red carpet. When the egobecomes large enough, the rug is pulled out from under your feet. Then you begin to shrink, until youbecome empty. Being empty, you are ready to carry out your mission, which is to be a pure channel of love."