"Los aspectos de la personalidad que llamamos de yo inferior son como
entidades que tienen autonomía propia. Cuando se aproximan, traen una
frecuencia de energía específica, determinado color y una expresión
corporal específica. A través del autoconocimiento, vas siendo capaz de
reconocerlas. Siempre que un aspecto comienza a aproximarse (viniendo de
adentro y también de afuera) lo sabes, porque lo sientes en
determinados puntos de tu cuerpo. A veces se cierra el estómago, causa
naúseas, aprieta el pecho o la garganta. Estas son algunas de las
posibles reacciones. Entonces necesitas aprender a identificar quién se
está aproximando y a transmutar esas energías, dentro y fuera de ti.”
"The aspects of personality that we call the lower self are like self-driven entities. When they come close to us, they bring with them a specific energy frequency as well as a color frequency. Through self-knowledge, we are able to recognize them and even identify the body language that they manifest in us. Whenever an aspect of the lower self begins to approach us, whether it is coming from inside or outside of us, we know it is coming because we feel something in certain points of our bodies. Sometimes we may experience reactions such as getting knots in our stomachs, feeling nauseous, or a tightening in our chest or throat. We must learn to identify which lower self is approaching us and transform these energies within and without.”
"The aspects of personality that we call the lower self are like self-driven entities. When they come close to us, they bring with them a specific energy frequency as well as a color frequency. Through self-knowledge, we are able to recognize them and even identify the body language that they manifest in us. Whenever an aspect of the lower self begins to approach us, whether it is coming from inside or outside of us, we know it is coming because we feel something in certain points of our bodies. Sometimes we may experience reactions such as getting knots in our stomachs, feeling nauseous, or a tightening in our chest or throat. We must learn to identify which lower self is approaching us and transform these energies within and without.”