atravesando un momento difícil en nuestro camino evolutivo como seres
humanos. Precisamos mirar de frente nuestros problemas y sus verdaderas
causas, con el fin de encontrar soluciones reales. Al huir de la
solución real, aumentamos tensiones y dificultades. En tiempos como este
somos más exigidos: debemos abandonar los viejos hábitos y mecanismos
de defensa generadores de problemas, especialmente el orgullo y el apego
a las creencias y puntos de vista limitantes. Sin embargo, seguimos
negando las causas y todavía no nos responsabilizamos por nuestras
propias creaciones. Continuamos siendo guiados por el juego de
acusaciones y ciegos a lo obvio. Pero el precio de esa fuga es muy alto.
No es sólo la destrucción del planeta y de la población, lo peor es no
tener acceso a la Verdad y al propósito mayor de nuestra existencia.”
"We are going through a difficult time in our evolutionary journey as human beings. We need to face our problems and their true causes head on in order to find real solutions. If we continue to flee from the actual solutions, our tensions and difficulties will only increase. In times like these, a lot is being demanded of us: we must abandon our old habits and defense mechanisms that are generating these problems, especially our pride and attachment to our limited beliefs and points of view. We continue to deny the causes of our problems and we still refuse to take responsibility for our own creations. We continue being guided by the blame game and remain blind to the obvious truths. The price of our fleeing is very high: it does not only involve the destruction of our planet and population - the worst part is that we don’t have access to the truth and to the greater purpose of our existence."
"We are going through a difficult time in our evolutionary journey as human beings. We need to face our problems and their true causes head on in order to find real solutions. If we continue to flee from the actual solutions, our tensions and difficulties will only increase. In times like these, a lot is being demanded of us: we must abandon our old habits and defense mechanisms that are generating these problems, especially our pride and attachment to our limited beliefs and points of view. We continue to deny the causes of our problems and we still refuse to take responsibility for our own creations. We continue being guided by the blame game and remain blind to the obvious truths. The price of our fleeing is very high: it does not only involve the destruction of our planet and population - the worst part is that we don’t have access to the truth and to the greater purpose of our existence."