pasando por una aceleración del proceso evolutivo, tanto como individuos
y como planeta. A pesar de haber una gran fricción ocurriendo interna y
externamente, estamos siendo llevados a experimentar libertad y unión.
Para aquellos que, de alguna manera, ya pudieron ir un poco más allá del
egoísmo y de los males de la naturaleza inferior, este momento es una
invitación a darse más; es una invitación para poner tus potenciales,
dones y talentos al servicio del bien común. Pero esto debe hacerse de
manera auténtica, verdaderamente amorosa y desinteresada, como el pasaje
de la biblia que dice: ‘La mano izquierda no debe ver lo que la mano
derecha da’.”
"The evolutionary process is accelerating, both on the individual level as well as the collective. Although there is a lot of internal and external friction, we are being led to the experience of freedom and unity. For those who, in some way, have already been able to surpass selfishness and the wrong doings of the lower nature, this moment isan invitation to give of yourselves even more. It is inviting us to put our potential gifts and talents at the service of the greater good. However, this must be done authentically, in a truly loving and selfless way. As a passage from the Bible says, ‘Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.'"
"The evolutionary process is accelerating, both on the individual level as well as the collective. Although there is a lot of internal and external friction, we are being led to the experience of freedom and unity. For those who, in some way, have already been able to surpass selfishness and the wrong doings of the lower nature, this moment isan invitation to give of yourselves even more. It is inviting us to put our potential gifts and talents at the service of the greater good. However, this must be done authentically, in a truly loving and selfless way. As a passage from the Bible says, ‘Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.'"