“Uno de los principales obstáculos en el camino evolutivo del ser
humano es la negación. Y el moralismo es uno de los instrumentos que
está al servicio de este mecanismo de negación. Es un tipo de
conocimiento prestado que determina lo que es correcto o incorrecto.
Evalúas tus deseos y mides tus actitudes a partir de ese conocimiento
prestado. Y como precisas agradarle a los otros porque crees que
solamente así serás amado, condenas tus propios deseos y pasas a
negarlos. Pero como todo lo que es prohibido es deseado, esta negación
es sólo un combustible para el deseo.”
"One of the main obstacles along the human being’s evolutionary journey is denial. Morality is one of the main instruments that further serves our denial mechanisms. Morality is like borrowed knowledge that determines what is right or wrong. We use these borrowed ideas of morality to evaluate and measure our desires and our very own attitudes. So long as we go on needing to please the other as we believe this is the only way we will be loved, we inadvertently wind up condemning our own desires and thereby denying them. However, everything that is prohibited is ultimately desired. So this denial only serves to ignite more desire."
"One of the main obstacles along the human being’s evolutionary journey is denial. Morality is one of the main instruments that further serves our denial mechanisms. Morality is like borrowed knowledge that determines what is right or wrong. We use these borrowed ideas of morality to evaluate and measure our desires and our very own attitudes. So long as we go on needing to please the other as we believe this is the only way we will be loved, we inadvertently wind up condemning our own desires and thereby denying them. However, everything that is prohibited is ultimately desired. So this denial only serves to ignite more desire."