“Aquello que normalmente entendemos como problemas, en verdad son
oportunidades de crecimiento. Las crisis y situaciones difíciles de la
vida son como puertas de acceso al inconsciente, donde están las llaves
para nuestra transformación. A través de estas situaciones, podremos
tener acceso a partes de nuestra personalidad que, en el pasado, fueron
trabadas en negación y todavía hoy ejercen influencia sobre nuestras
vidas, saboteando nuestra felicidad.”
“The things we usually perceive as problems are, in truth, opportunities for growth. Crises and difficult situations in life are like doorways to the unconscious: they are the keys to our transformation. Through these situations, we may have access to parts of our personality that were locked away in denial in the past. To this day, these parts of ourselves continue to exert their influence over our lives and sabotage our own happiness.”
“The things we usually perceive as problems are, in truth, opportunities for growth. Crises and difficult situations in life are like doorways to the unconscious: they are the keys to our transformation. Through these situations, we may have access to parts of our personality that were locked away in denial in the past. To this day, these parts of ourselves continue to exert their influence over our lives and sabotage our own happiness.”