“Toda entidad humana que encarna en este plano sufre algún shock de
desamor. Esto es parte del juego aquí en la Tierra. Pero es importante
que podamos ir más allá de la víctima, comprendiendo por qué precisamos
pasar por determinada situación. La meta principal de la vida es
responder a la pregunta: ¿Quién soy yo? Pero la respuesta a esta
pregunta sólo llega cuando podemos liberarnos del pasado, yendo más allá
del juego de acusaciones. Entonces, cuando podamos sentir gratitud por
todo y por todos los que fueron parte de nuestras vidas, podremos
reencontrar nuestra verdadera identidad.”
"Every human entity that has incarnated on this plane suffers some kind of shock due to a lack of love. This is part of the play here on Earth. However, it is important that we go beyond our victim self and understand the reason we need to experience certain situations. The main goal in life is to answer the question: ‘Who am I?’ The answer to this question only arises once we can free ourselves from the past and go beyond the blaming game. Only when we are able to feel gratitude for everything and everyone who is a part of our lives will we be able to rediscover our true identities.“
"Every human entity that has incarnated on this plane suffers some kind of shock due to a lack of love. This is part of the play here on Earth. However, it is important that we go beyond our victim self and understand the reason we need to experience certain situations. The main goal in life is to answer the question: ‘Who am I?’ The answer to this question only arises once we can free ourselves from the past and go beyond the blaming game. Only when we are able to feel gratitude for everything and everyone who is a part of our lives will we be able to rediscover our true identities.“
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