“La creencia es un programa mental instalado en tu sistema a partir de
shocks vividos en el pasado. Y ese programa pasa a determinar tus
elecciones, decisiones y comportamientos en el mundo. Las creencias son
instaladas mediante situaciones que generan impacto, formando marcas en
la sustancia del alma. Son imágenes congeladas que actúan creando
grietas en los cuerpos emocional y mental. Estas grietas se manifiestan
prioritariamente como rigidez de pensamiento: tienes absoluta certeza
que las cosas funcionan de determinada manera, sin embargo, no siempre
eso es verdadero.”
“A belief is a mental program installed in our systems due to the shocks we experienced in our past. This program determines our choices, decisions and behavior in the world. Beliefs are generated by situations that have an impact on us, forming scars on the substance of our souls. Frozen images remain in our systems that act to create fractures in our emotional and mental bodies. These fractures manifest primarily as rigidity of thought: we think we can be absolutely certain that things work in a particular way, yet this is not always true.”
“A belief is a mental program installed in our systems due to the shocks we experienced in our past. This program determines our choices, decisions and behavior in the world. Beliefs are generated by situations that have an impact on us, forming scars on the substance of our souls. Frozen images remain in our systems that act to create fractures in our emotional and mental bodies. These fractures manifest primarily as rigidity of thought: we think we can be absolutely certain that things work in a particular way, yet this is not always true.”