“Estamos trabajando para que haya un despertar de la conciencia humana.
Despertar, en este contexto, significa ampliar la percepción de modo
que podamos ver aquello que no vemos; significa remover los lentesque
distorsionan la realidad para que podamos tener acceso a ella. Tales
lentes representan los sistemas de creencias que nos hacen interpretar
la realidad desde nuestras heridas infantiles. Esto nos impide
evolucionar y desarrollar nuestros potenciales latentes porque estamos
atados al pasado. Sin embargo, la naturaleza de la vida es movimiento y
expansión e inevitablemente llega un momento en que nuestras creencias
son cuestionadas y pasamos a percibir la vida de otra manera. Este es el
inicio del despertar.”
“We are working to awaken human consciousness. ‘To awaken’ in this context means to increase our perception to such a degree that we are able to see that which we were formally unable to. It means to remove the lenses that distort reality so that we are able to access it. These ‘lenses’ are the systems of beliefs that were a result of our childhood wounds that make us interpret reality as we do. This is what prevents us from evolving and developing our hidden talents because we are trapped in the past. However, the nature of life is movement and expansion and inevitably there comes a moment when our beliefs are questioned and we begin to perceive life in another way. This is the beginning of awakening.”
“We are working to awaken human consciousness. ‘To awaken’ in this context means to increase our perception to such a degree that we are able to see that which we were formally unable to. It means to remove the lenses that distort reality so that we are able to access it. These ‘lenses’ are the systems of beliefs that were a result of our childhood wounds that make us interpret reality as we do. This is what prevents us from evolving and developing our hidden talents because we are trapped in the past. However, the nature of life is movement and expansion and inevitably there comes a moment when our beliefs are questioned and we begin to perceive life in another way. This is the beginning of awakening.”