Daily Buddhist Wisdom | |||
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Via Buddhism on Beliefnet:
Via JMG: Brad Pitt Donates $100K To Marriage
Brad Pitt has donated $100,000 to the Human Rights Campaign's marriage equality fund. They report via press release:
“Brad Pitt’s partnership with HRC in this closing week delivers vital resources into these campaigns and we’re proud to be working with him as we show that fundamental fairness will win at the ballot box,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “With his commitment, Brad joins HRC in a tremendous coalition of religious leaders, business leaders, labor groups, civil rights organizations and everyday, fair-minded Americans supporting marriage for gay and lesbian couples.” “It's unbelievable to me that people's lives and relationships are literally being voted on in a matter of days,” said Pitt in an email today to HRC members and supporters. “If you're like me, you don't want to have to ask yourself on the day after the election, what else could I have done?”
Labels: Brad Pitt, HRC, straight allies
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 31, 2012
Accepting Uncertainty
when accepted, sheds a bright light on the power of intention. That is
what you can count on: not the outcome, but the motivation you bring,
the vision you hold, the compass setting you choose to follow.
- Joanna Macy, "The Greatest Danger"
Monday, October 29, 2012
Via JMG: Supreme Court Sets The Date To Review Prop 8 And DOMA Cases: November 20th
Breaking news from AFER:
The U.S. Supreme Court has announced that it will consider whether to grant review in AFER’s federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. The Justices will meet to discuss our case, along with several challenges to the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), at their private Conference scheduled for Tuesday, November 20. The Court is expected to either:AFER adds: "The Court is expected to release an Order List with its decisions on cases it has granted or denied review from its November 20 Conference by Monday, November 26."
- Grant review of our Prop. 8 challenge, at which point AFER’s legal team, led by distinguished attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies, will submit written briefs and present oral arguments by April 2013. A final decision on Prop. 8 and marriage equality is expected by June 2013.
- Deny review, making permanent the landmark federal appeals court ruling that found Prop. 8 UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Marriage equality will be restored in California.
Labels: AFER, DOMA, Proposition 8, Supreme Court
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 29, 2012
Loving Attention
we are fully present and able to pay attention in a sustained way to
our experience we can begin to see directly, uncolored by our ideas and
concepts. Placing our trust more in loving attention and less in
analyzing the story can allow space for a new way of holding the
- Narayan Liebenson Grady, "Questioning the Question"
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 28, 2012
Unfailing Altruism
practitioner’s mind is likened to a mountain that the winds can’t
shake; he’s neither tormented by the difficulties he may come across nor
elated by his successes. But that equanimity is neither apathy nor
indifference. It’s accompanied by inner jubilation, and by an openness
of mind expressed as unfailing altruism.
- Matthieu Ricard, "One Blood, Two Lineages"
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Via JMG: GALLUP: Gays May Swing The Election
An interesting note from Gallup:
A new Gallup Report finds that 71% of LGBT Americans who are registered voters support President Obama for reelection, while 22% support Governor Mitt Romney. From June to September, non-LGBT registered voters preferred Romney to Obama by one percentage point, 47% to 46%. However, when LGBT voters are added to electorate, Obama moves slightly ahead of Romney (47% to 45%). These findings suggest that the highly Democratic vote of the LGBT population could be enough to swing a very close election toward Obama. The findings are based on more than 120,000 interviews of adults in the US, which represents the largest representative sample of LGBT men and women ever collected.
Labels: 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Gallup
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 27, 2012
Great Questioning, Great Awakening
most important part of the practice is for the question to remain alive
and for your whole body and mind to become a question. In Zen they say
that you have to ask with the pores of your skin and the marrow of your
bones. A Zen saying points out: Great questioning, great awakening;
little questioning, little awakening; no questioning, no awakening.
- Martine Batchelor, "What is This?"
Friday, October 26, 2012
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 26, 2012
Calm and Radiant Balance
takes interest in whatever is occurring simply because it is occurring.
Equanimity does not include the aversive states of indifference,
boredom, coldness, or hesitation. It is an expression of calm, radiant
balance that takes whatever comes in stride.
- Shaila Catherine, "Equanimity in Every Bite"
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Doug Wright
"I wish my moderate Republican friends would simply be honest. They all say they’re voting for Romney because of his economic policies (tenuous and ill-formed as they are), and that they disagree with him on gay rights. Fine. Then look me in the eye, speak with a level clear voice, and say, 'My taxes and take-home pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights, the sanctity of your marriage, your right to visit an ailing spouse in the hospital, your dignity as a citizen of this country, your healthcare, your right to inherit, the mental welfare and emotional well-being of your youth, and your very personhood.' It’s like voting for George Wallace during the Civil Rights movements, and apologizing for his racism. You’re still complicit. You’re still perpetuating anti-gay legislation and cultural homophobia. You don’t get to walk away clean, because you say you 'disagree' with your candidate on these issues." - Pulitzer and Tony winning playwright Doug Wright, in a message now going viral on Facebook.
UPDATE: I've been unable to find the original posting of this quote, which as I mentioned above has been reposted to many Facebook accounts. Please email me if you find the source and I'll add the link.
UPDATE II: Twitter user DogUnderwater points out that Playbill has posted Wright's message with his permission.
Via Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group - Dharma Breeze:
“If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.”
― Pema Chödrön
― Pema Chödrön
Via Buddhism on Beliefnet:
Daily Buddhist Wisdom | |||
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 25, 2012
Only the Truth
Buddha didn't talk about Buddhism. He was concerned, simply, with the
truth—the truth of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering—and
that, I'd submit, is a good thing for anybody to learn.
- Peter Doobinin, "Tough Lovingkindness"
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Via JMG: You People Are "Unhinged" For Believing The Words Of Bay Buchanan
GOProud is super upset that people are taking seriously the words of their own keynote speaker Bay Buchanan, who last week said,
"Governor Romney also believes, consistent with the 10th Amendment,
that it should be left to states to decide whether to grant same-sex
couples certain benefits, such as hospital visitation rights and the
ability to adopt children." I'd post that quote over at Twitchy, but
they've banned me for my detestable habit of repeating verbatim the
words of our enemies. But hey, Twitchy uses Disqus, so feel free to drop some truth over there.
Reposted from Joe
Labels: GOProud, homocons, Mitt Romney, Quislings
Via Buddhism on Beliefnet:
Daily Buddhist Wisdom | |||
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Via JMG: The Gates Give $500K To WA Marriage
The Gates Give $500K To WA Marriage
Bill and Melinda Gates have donated $500,000 to Washington state's campaign to uphold same-sex marriage.
The donation was announced Tuesday by Washington United for Marriage, which is working to approve Referendum 74. The donation was made on Oct. 15, but didn't publicly post online with the Public Disclosure Commission until Tuesday. Referendum 74 asks voters to either approve or reject the law allowing same-sex marriage that was passed by the Legislature earlier this year. Bill Gates had made a $100,000 contribution to the campaign earlier this year. About $11 million has been spent on the campaign so far, with a bulk of it spent by gay marriage supporters. Washington United for Marriage has far outraised its opponents, bringing in nearly $11 million compared to the more than $2 million raised so far by Preserve Marriage Washington, which opposes the law.The most recent polling shows R-74 leading by almost 20 points.
Labels: Bill Gates, marriage equality, Microsoft, Washington state
Via Advocate and Gay Politics Report:
- Romney camp doubles down on ending marriage equality
- A campaign adviser for Mitt Romney reiterated this weekend that the former governor of Massachusetts favors banning marriage equality through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Bay Buchanan had previously suggested that Romney believed marriage was an issue best left up to individual states, causing some to wonder if the campaign was softening its position on the Federal Marriage Amendment. In response, Log Cabin Republican Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper issued a statement saying the conservative position should be to respect decisions by states to recognize married same-sex couples. Romney has signed a pledge written by the National Organization for Marriage that promises he will advocate for the FMA if he wins the White House.
Via Gay Politics Report:
- Romney camp doubles down on ending marriage equality
- A
campaign adviser for Mitt Romney reiterated this weekend that the
former governor of Massachusetts favors banning marriage equality
through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Bay Buchanan had
previously suggested that Romney believed marriage was an issue best
left up to individual states, causing some to wonder if the campaign was
softening its position on the Federal Marriage Amendment. In response,
Log Cabin Republican Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper issued a
statement saying the conservative position should be to respect
decisions by states to recognize married same-sex couples. Romney has
signed a pledge written by the National Organization for Marriage that
promises he will advocate for the FMA if he wins the White House. Advocate.com
(10/21), BuzzFeed
(10/20), LGBT POV
Via JMG: Stonewall Democrats Denounce Log Cabin
"The Log Cabin Republicans have proven once and for all that they are not an organization aligned with the LGBT movement. They are a Republican front group bumbling their way into fooling LGBT voters that it's OK to support a party that would legislate us back into the closet. Their endorsement of Mitt Romney isn't just shameful - it's insulting.
"Mitt Romney stands for nothing positive for LGBT people. He supports a federal marriage amendment (which was a reason for Log Cabin to refuse to endorse George W. Bush in 2004). He supports McCarthy-like investigations into our community for evidence of 'harassment of Christians'. He opposes the repeal of DOMA. He opposes ENDA. He's even said things as basic as the right to visit your sick or dying loved one in the hospital is a 'privilege' and not a right. [snip]
"So there you have it - the Log Cabin Republicans, who screamed loudly and forcefully for months that liberal groups and LGBT movement posturing weren't going to affect their endorsements have instead allowed the interests of money sucking GOP insiders and the fear of a conservative performance troupe to decide their endorsement for them. It's reprehensible. Have they no decency?" - Jerame Davis, executive director of the National Stonewall Democrats, via press release.
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 23, 2012
The Path to Restoration
advice for people is to love the world they are in, in whatever way
makes sense to them. It may be a devotional practice, it may be song or
poetry, it may be by gardening, it may be as an activist, scientist, or
community leader. The path to restoration extends from our heart to the
heart of sentient beings, and that path will be different for every
- Paul Hawken, "The Movement With No Name"
Monday, October 22, 2012
JMG Billboard Of The Day
The Friendly Atheist reports that the above billboard truck has been spotted near the venue for tonight's final debate in Boca Raton.
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 22, 2012
Everything is Enlightened
are enlightenment and we are delusion. We read it, we say it, but we
don't believe it. The experience of realization is seeing and realizing
exactly that—that everything is enlightened as it is.
- Bernie Glassman, "Yasutani Roshi: The Hardest Koan"
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Via JMG: Billy Graham Places Full-Page Anti-Gay Marriage Ad In The Wall Street Journal
"The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren, and this
great nation is crucial. As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this
election could be my last. I believe it is vitally important that we
cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical
principles and support the nation of Israel. I urge you to vote for
those who protect the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a
woman. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that
America will remain one nation under God." - Billy Graham, 93, in a full-page ad published today in the Wall Street Journal.
posted by Joe
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 20, 2012
Rising to the Occasion
cannot eliminate all of the challenges or obstacles in life—our own or
anyone else’s. We can only learn to rise to the occasion and face them.
- Dzigar Kongtrul, "Old Relationships, New Possibilities"
Friday, October 19, 2012
Via Buddhism on Beliefnet:
Daily Buddhist Wisdom | |||
Via JMG: HRC: 219 House Reps Rated Zero
The Human Rights campaign has issued its evaluation of the 112th Congress. Their report gives 219 members of the House a "zero" rating.
HRC today released its Congressional Scorecard for the 112th Congress, rating members of Congress on their support for LGBT-equality. Analysis shows that though the LGBT equality is making gains on Capitol Hill, anti-LGBT legislators continue to halt progress. While the American people move forward on issues of equality, the majority of Congress – particularly the House – continues to be out of touch. The average score of House members was 40 percent and 35 for Senators, down significantly from the 111th Congress. For the first time in this scorecard, HRC noted whether of not members of Congress have taken an affirmative position in favor of marriage equality. In the House, 115 members scored 100 percent, including 33 from states with marriage equality and eight from states facing marriage related ballot measure this November.Hit this link for the rating of your Congress members.
Labels: HRC, LGBT rights, Senate, U.S. House
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 19, 2012
Developing A Kind Nature
person disposed to anger will more and more easily erupt in anger anew
at any provocation. But in a moment of kindness a kindly disposition is
deposited, and one becomes incrementally more disposed to kindness. The
attitude with which we respond to an object of experience, with anger or
with kindness, will therefore not only influence the causal field
outside ourselves but also progressively reshape our very nature.
- Andrew Olendzki, "Karma in Action"
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Via REPORT: The Catholic Church Is 2012's Top Funder Of Anti-Gay Campaigns
REPORT: The Catholic Church Is 2012's Top Funder Of Anti-Gay Campaigns
From a report issued today by the Human Rights Campaign:
Taking up where the Mormons left off in 2008, the Catholic Church – and its affiliate, the Knights of Columbus – have made considerable investments in the marriage fights in Minnesota, Maryland, Washington State and Maine this election cycle – spending at least $1.1 million to date. In addition, a close ally of the Church and past co-conspirator, the National Organization for Marriage, has spent nearly $1.4 million this cycle. Marriage equality opponents across the four states have, to date, raised roughly $4.1 million. The Catholic Church’s contributions make up 27 percent of that total figure. When you add in the contributions of Church ally NOM, the reality of the coordinated effort becomes clear: the Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus, and NOM are responsible for funding nearly 60 percent of all anti-equality efforts in Minnesota, Maryland, Washington State and Maine.The Catholic LGBT coalition Equally Blessed today also issued a report on the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Church.
According to the report, which is based primarily on the Knights’ filings with the Internal Revenue Service, the organization donated $6.25 million to anti-marriage equality efforts between 2005-2012, with most of the money directed toward ballot measures aimed at banning marriage equality in 12 states. The sum includes:
- $1.9 million in donations to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), $1.4 million of which was devoted to a successful and highly controversial campaign to overturn marriage equality legislation in Maine.
- A $1.1 million dollar donation to ProjectMarriage.com which supported the passage of Proposition 8, the constitutional amendment that banned marriage equality in California.
- More than $630,000 in donations to groups working against marriage equality through ballot initiatives that will be voted on next month in Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.
According to NOM’s internal memos, unsealed during legal proceedings in Maine, the organization adopted a strategy of turning the Black and Hispanic communities against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people during the campaign to overturn marriage equality legislation in that state. The same memos advocated finding children who had been raised by same-sex couples and persuading them to speak out against their parents.
Labels: bigotry, brainwashing, Catholic Church, child abuse, cults, evil, hate groups, Knights of Columbus, molestation, NOM, organized crime, pedophilia, religion
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Via Buddhism on Beliefnet:
Daily Buddhist Wisdom | |||
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Via JMG: FRC: Church Membership Is Shrinking Because They Don't Hate Gays Enough
The Family Research Council says that the reason 20% of Americans now say they have no religious affiliation is because churches aren't being hateful enough to keep people interested. Via press release:
As more churches move away from biblical authority, their attendance suffers. Just ask the Episcopal Church, whose pews are virtually empty after the decision to endorse homosexuality. It's time to push back on the spin that's feeding our weak brethren who say that compromising truth in pursuit of love is the way to reach the lost. Intuitively, people want to anchor their lives to something meaningful--something that demands the sacrifice and discipline of "taking up your cross." When a denomination abandons the truth and waters everything down to love, it reduces the church to another hour of Dr. Phil--which is something Americans can get without ever leaving home.There's "too much love" in the church. Yeah.
Labels: FRC, hate groups, Pew Project, religion
Via Buddhism on Beliefnet :
Daily Buddhist Wisdom | |||
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
Tricycle Daily Dharma October 16, 2012
Where We Are Transformed
practice only works when it's on the edge. And that's what the
renunciant lifestyle is about, what living in the wilderness is about,
what meditation is all about—getting to the edge. Because that's where
we are transformed.
- Ajaan Amaro, "Just Another Thing in the Forest"
Monday, October 15, 2012
Reason 12 Why I left Christianity...
Via JMG: NEBRASKA: Christian Groups Work To Repeal LGBT Protections In Omaha
God's Gentle People are working to make it legal again to discriminate against LGBT people in Omaha, which only narrowly approved its workplace protection ordinance in March of this year.
Some churches involved in the effort put the call to sign the petition more directly than others; approaches range from reminders to sign petitions after Sunday services to one pastor's 39-minute sermon urging congregants to demonstrate their faith by signing their names. But the step into city politics reflects a similar perspective from some churches: that the ordinance limits their right to express their Christian views. “I think from time to time the people of God are called to resist their government at key crossroads, and I'm convinced that we stand at one of those crossroads right now in our city,” the Rev. Mark Ashton, lead pastor of Christ Community Church, said in a sermon last Sunday. “Every signature makes a difference in the future of our city,” he said later. “I'd encourage every registered voter who lives within the City of Omaha and follows Jesus to sign your name.”Leading the repeal charge is the Nebraska Heritage Coalition, which has this message on their website:
Homosexual activity (not temptation or preference) is explicitly prohibited as sin in multiple passages in the Old and New Testament. We do not have the right to change God's moral law to fit our sexual preferences. We believe that when we admit our sin, the Lord is faithful to forgive. Whether it is gossip, greed, violence, hatred, homosexual activity or heterosexual adultery, every last one of us is guilty. Fortunately, our welcome before God is not based on our 'religion resume,’ or our ability to live up to a moral code. It is based on what Jesus did on the cross to pay for our wrongdoing. He forgives us and begins to change us from the inside out to become more like him. This is the Good News for men and women, young and old, rich and poor, clergy and laity, gay people and straight people alike. Therefore, everyone is welcome to attend our churches. Together, we can discover God’s forgiveness and the strength to live a life in obedience to his moral law.There are 242 churches listed as backers of the repeal. (Tipped by JMG reader Sam)
RELATED: Last month Omaha Archbishop George Lucas issued a letter demanding that Nebraska's Catholics support the repeal petition.
Labels: assholery, bigotry, Christian Love, disgusting, employment, evil, LGBT rights, Nebraska, religion
JMG HomoQuotable - Andrew Sullivan
"As an Obama supporter, I remain committed, if deeply demoralized. The reason for that new ambivalence is not that the reasons for re-electing him have changed - we desperately need to raise revenues to tackle the debt, we cannot launch a new Judeo-Christian war against Islam in the Middle East without igniting an even more ferocious global religious conflict; it's just wrong to cut off healthcare access for tens of millions, while ending homecare for countless seniors, while not even making a dent in the actual budget - because of give-aways to the extremely rich. And the way the Obama campaign had made those arguments clearly and consistently and built a brilliant campaign all the way to the first debate was quite something to behold.
"To be given a gift like the Romney 47 percent video is a rare event in national politics. To get it in the fall of an election should have made an Obama victory all but assured. But Obama threw it all back in his supporters' faces, reacting to their enthusiasm and record donations with a performance so execrable, so lazy, so feckless, and so vain it was almost a dare not to vote for him. What he has to do now is so nail these next two debates, so obliterate Romney in both, that he can claw his way back to victory. But if he manages just evenly-matched debates, let alone another Romney win, he's a goner." - Andrew Sullivan.
Via JMG: Dozens Of Business Leaders Publish Full-Page Ad Supporting WA Marriage
Reposted from Joe
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