A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
VIa JMG: Today in Republican Lesbain Bullshit
Mary Cheney: Drag Is Like Blackface
"Why is it socially acceptable - as a form of entertainment - for men to put on dresses, make up and high heels and act out every offensive stereotype of women (bitchy, catty, dumb, slutty, etc.) - but it is not socially acceptable - as a form of entertainment - for a white person to put on blackface and act out offensive stereotypes of African Americans? Shouldn’t both be OK or neither?" - Mary Cheney, writing on her Facebook page after seeing an ad for the upcoming season of RuPaul's Drag Race. (Tipped by JMG reader Scott)
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 31/01/2015
“Trabalho para criar união, e a união só é criada através do amor. É
através do amor que dissolvemos os conflitos, pois ele é o solvente
universal para todos os males.”
Acesse o Satsang Completo: bit.ly/1yrjOx8
Acesse o Satsang Completo: bit.ly/1yrjOx8
“Trabajo para crear unión, y la unión sólo es creada a través del amor.
Es a través del amor que disolvemos los conflictos, pues él es el
solvente universal para todos los males.”
“I work towards creating union, and union can only be created through love. It is through love that we dissolve all conflicts, for it is the universal solvent for all evil.”
“I work towards creating union, and union can only be created through love. It is through love that we dissolve all conflicts, for it is the universal solvent for all evil.”
Via Daily Dharma
Friday, January 30, 2015
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 30/01/2015
“Se existe lamentação, existe ingratidão. Mas, para evoluir no processo de cura é preciso encontrar a gratidão. Se você não está podendo ser grato, trate de investigar por que. Trate de encarar seu ódio, seus ressentimentos e seus medos. Somente assim você poderá ser iluminado pela sagrada compreensão que te leva ao perdão, que por sua vez te liberta do passado. E não perca o seu mais valioso tesouro - o tempo - com reclamações, julgamentos, comparações e acusações. Isso é somente distração. A vida neste plano é como uma bolha de sabão, quando você menos espera... Foi.”
Acesse o Satsang Completo: bit.ly/1CviIRC
“Si existe lamento, existe ingratitud. Pero para evolucionar en el proceso de cura es necesario encontrar la gratitud. Si no estás pudiendo ser agradecido, trata de investigar por qué. Trata de encarar tu odio, tus resentimientos y tus miedos. Solamente así podrás ser iluminado por la sagrada comprensión que te lleva al perdón, que a su vez te libera del pasado. Y no pierdas tu más valioso tesoro - el tiempo – con reclamos, juicios, comparaciones y acusaciones. Eso es solamente distracción. La vida en este plano es como una burbuja de jabón, cuando menos lo esperas... Fue.”
“If there are complaints, then a lack of gratitude also exists. In order to evolve in the process of healing, it’s necessary to find gratitude. If we’re unable to be grateful, then try to investigate why this is so. We must try to confront our hatred, our resentments and our fears. By doing this, we may be illuminated by sacred comprehension that leads us to forgiveness, which in turn frees us from the past. We mustn’t waste our most precious treasure, time, with complaints, judgments, comparisons and accusations. All of this is just a distraction. Life in this realm is like a soap bubble: when we least expect it, it’s gone.”
- Sri Prem Baba
Via Daily Dharma
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Via Rawstory: Famed biologist: Religion ‘is dragging us down’ and must be eliminated ‘for the sake of human progress’
Biologist E. O. Wilson, who is known as the “the father of
sociobiology,” said recently that the Earth was suffering “the death of a
thousand cuts” because of religion.
In the most recent issue of New Scientist, Wilson explained that his next book would look at the future of humans and the Earth.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist warned that people had not yet realized that the “tribal structure” had been destroying the planet by “a thousand cuts,” according a partial transcript obtained by the International Business Times.
“All the ideologies and religions have their own answers for the big
questions, but these are usually bound as a dogma to some kind of
tribe,” he said. “Religions in particular feature supernatural elements
that other tribes – other faiths – cannot accept … And every tribe, no
matter how generous, benign, loving and charitable, nonetheless looks
down on all other tribes. What’s dragging us down is religious faith.”
“Humans everywhere have a strong tendency to wonder about whether they’re being looked over by a god or not. Practically every person ponders whether they’re going to have another life,” Wilson continued. “These are the things that unite humanity.”
But he said that the “transcendent searching has been hijacked by the tribal religions.”
“So I would say that for the sake of human progress, the best thing we could possibly do would be to diminish, to the point of eliminating, religious faiths. But certainly not eliminating the natural yearnings of our species or the asking of these great questions.”
Wilson, who was raised as a Baptist in Alabama, has said that he “drifted” away from Christianity, but he doesn’t refer to himself as an atheist.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist warned that people had not yet realized that the “tribal structure” had been destroying the planet by “a thousand cuts,” according a partial transcript obtained by the International Business Times.
“Humans everywhere have a strong tendency to wonder about whether they’re being looked over by a god or not. Practically every person ponders whether they’re going to have another life,” Wilson continued. “These are the things that unite humanity.”
But he said that the “transcendent searching has been hijacked by the tribal religions.”
“So I would say that for the sake of human progress, the best thing we could possibly do would be to diminish, to the point of eliminating, religious faiths. But certainly not eliminating the natural yearnings of our species or the asking of these great questions.”
Wilson, who was raised as a Baptist in Alabama, has said that he “drifted” away from Christianity, but he doesn’t refer to himself as an atheist.
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 29/01/2015
Acesse o Satsang Completo: bit.ly/1DKa5Xd
“El servicio sucede cuando entregas tus dones y talentos, pues ellos
son la manera que el amor encuentra para expresarse a través tuyo. Y
cuando el amor es colocado en movimiento, eso genera contentamiento y
alegría en tu vida y en la vida de los otros. El amor y la felicidad
pasan por ti para llegar a los otros. Ese es el poder del servicio; él
te coloca dentro de ese flujo y tú te tornas un eslabón en la cadena de
la felicidad.”
“Service happens when you give of your gifts and talents, for they are the ways that love finds to express itself through you. When love is put into motion, it brings contentment and joy into your life and the lives of others. Love and happiness pass through you in order to reach others. This is the power of service. It places you in this flow and you become a link in the chain of happiness.”
“Service happens when you give of your gifts and talents, for they are the ways that love finds to express itself through you. When love is put into motion, it brings contentment and joy into your life and the lives of others. Love and happiness pass through you in order to reach others. This is the power of service. It places you in this flow and you become a link in the chain of happiness.”
- Sri Prem Baba
Via Daily Dharma
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Via JMG: CHILE: Civil Unions Are Now Law
Via the Washington Blade:
Reposted from Joe Jervis
A bill that would allow same-sex couples to enter into civil unions in Chile on Wednesday received final approval in the South American country’s Congress. The Chilean Senate approved the measure by a 25-6 vote margin with three abstentions. The bill passed in the country’s House of Representatives by a 78-9 vote margin. “A historic step against discrimination and for the advancement of human rights has taken place today with the passage of the civil unions bill,” said the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation, a Chilean LGBT advocacy group, in a statement. President Michelle Bachelet has said she will sign the bill — under which unmarried heterosexual couples would also receive legal recognition — into law. Bachelet’s spokesperson, Álvaro Elizalde, on his Twitter page described Tuesday as a “historic day” in Chile.(Tipped by JMG reader Eduardo)
Via JMG: SCOTUS Urged To Televise Marriage Case
A coalition of journalism organizations and NGOs today urged the Supreme
Court to allow cameras in the courtroom during the coming landmark
same-sex marriage case.
Reposted from Joe Jervis
In a letter to U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts, the Coalition for Court Transparency today requested “that audio-visual coverage of oral arguments in the same-sex marriage cases be broadcast live, enabling the world to witness history as it happens.” “We hope that the Court takes this historic moment as an opportunity to move into a new era of openness by permitting live audio-visual coverage of the arguments in the same-sex marriage cases,” said Mickey H. Osterreicher, general counsel for the National Press Photographers Association.Read their letter. Just two days ago Justice Antonin Scalia dismissed the idea.
In addition to the historical nature of the cases, the Coalition highlighted how this act of transparency could burnish the Court’s reputation. “In our modern era, an institution’s legitimacy is often driven by the public’s perception of its openness and transparency,” the letter said. “When decisions are made in cases that provoke strong emotions, transparency allows the public to be assured that the process was fair and that the institution is functioning properly. Simply put: televising the oral arguments will ultimately strengthen the public’s perception of the Court by imbuing its result with greater legitimacy.”
“Recent polling shows three-quarters of Americans support televising Supreme Court proceedings,” said Alex Armstrong, spokesperson for the Coalition. “Oral arguments in the upcoming marriage cases will be historic, and the whole nation will be eager to follow along. There’s no better time to turn on the cameras.”
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 28/01/2015
“O dinheiro é um poder que precisa ser tratado de forma adequada. Se
você souber usá-lo, ele pode te ajudar a atravessar a existência terrena
com mais facilidade. Mas, se você não souber lidar com ele, ele te
destrói. Por conta das imagens, crenças e condicionamentos que
carregamos, damos ao dinheiro um valor emocional, e assim fazemos dele
algo muito diferente do que ele realmente é: um instrumento que
possibilita a troca. Ele é um
instrumento que deveria estar a serviço do seu coração, para você poder
realizar sua jornada com mais conforto e tranquilidade.”
Acesse o Satsang Completo: bit.ly/1C7lIW2
“El dinero es un poder que necesita ser tratado de forma adecuada. Si sabes usarlo, puede ayudarte a atravesar la existencia terrenal con más facilidad. Pero si no sabes lidiar con él, te destruye. A causa de las imágenes, creencias y condicionamientos que cargamos, damos al dinero un valor emocional, y así hacemos de él algo muy diferente de lo que realmente es: un instrumento que posibilita el intercambio. Es un instrumento que debería estar al servicio de tu corazón, para que puedas realizar tu jornada con más confort y tranquilidad.”
“Money is a power that needs to be treated appropriately. If we know how to use it, then money can help us pass through this earthly existence with more ease. However, if we don’t know how to deal with it, then money can destroy us. Due to the images, beliefs and conditionings that we carry, we give money an emotional value. In this way, we turn money into something that is very different from what it truly is: a tool that allows for exchange. Money is an instrument that should be at the service of our hearts so that we can make this journey with more comfort and tranquility.”
“El dinero es un poder que necesita ser tratado de forma adecuada. Si sabes usarlo, puede ayudarte a atravesar la existencia terrenal con más facilidad. Pero si no sabes lidiar con él, te destruye. A causa de las imágenes, creencias y condicionamientos que cargamos, damos al dinero un valor emocional, y así hacemos de él algo muy diferente de lo que realmente es: un instrumento que posibilita el intercambio. Es un instrumento que debería estar al servicio de tu corazón, para que puedas realizar tu jornada con más confort y tranquilidad.”
“Money is a power that needs to be treated appropriately. If we know how to use it, then money can help us pass through this earthly existence with more ease. However, if we don’t know how to deal with it, then money can destroy us. Due to the images, beliefs and conditionings that we carry, we give money an emotional value. In this way, we turn money into something that is very different from what it truly is: a tool that allows for exchange. Money is an instrument that should be at the service of our hearts so that we can make this journey with more comfort and tranquility.”
- Sri Prem Baba
Via Daily Dharma
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
VIa JMG: UTAH: LDS Church Backs LGBT Rights In Return For Stiffer Religion Carve-Outs
Via Salt Lake City's Fox affiliate:
In at least one big and bruising culture-war battle, the Mormon church wants to call a partial truce. Convening a rare press conference on Tuesday at church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Mormon leaders pledged to support anti-discrimination laws for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people, as long the laws also protect the rights of religious groups. In exchange, the Mormon church wants gay rights advocates — and the government — to back off. “When religious people are publicly intimidated, retaliated against, forced from employment or made to suffer personal loss because they have raised their voice in the public square, donated to a cause or participated in an election, our democracy is the loser,” said Elder Dallin Oaks, a member of the church’s Quorum of Twelve Apostles. “Such tactics are every bit as wrong as denying access to employment, housing or public services because of race or gender.”At today's press conference Oaks cited Houston's subpoenaing of pastors as a recent example of Christians being oppressed. In 2009 the Mormon Church backed an LGBT rights ordinance in Salt Lake City and while they say they still oppose same-sex marriage, today's announcement is meant to indicate support for similar legislation elsewhere. With one condition.
UPDATE: Openly gay Utah state Sen. Jim Dabakis just sent us a statement.
"I am proud that the LDS Church has seen fit to lead the way in non-discrimination. As a religious institution, Mormons have had a long history of being the victims of discrimination and persecution. They understand more than most the value and strength of creating a civil society that judges people by the content of their character and their ability to do a job. Since serving as a Senator, and as the only LGBT member of the Utah legislature, I can say one of the joys of the job has been to meet and enjoy the company of LDS officials. I know that together, we can build a community that strongly protects religious organizations constitutional liberties and, in addition, creates a civil, respectful, nurturing culture where differences are honored and everyone feels welcome. Now, lets roll up our sleeves, get to work and pass a statewide Non-Discrimination Bill."Dabakis is the co-founder of Equality Utah. Hours after same-sex marriage became legal there in December 2013, he married his husband in a ceremony officiated by Salt Lake City's mayor.
Labels: employment, housing, LDS, LGBT rights, Mormons, public accommodations, religion, religious liberty, Salt Lake City, Utah
Via JMG: ABC Greenlights Dan Savage Sitcom
ABC has approved the production of a sitcom pilot based the life of Dan Savage. Via the Hollywood Reporter:
The untitled Savage comedy is a single-camera semi-autobiographical entry based on the LGBT activist/boundary-pushing columnist's life. It centers on a picture-perfect family that is turned upside down when the youngest son comes out of the closet. What seems like the end of their idyllic life turns out to be the beginning of a bright new chapter when everyone stops pretending to be perfect and actually starts being real. Savage is responsible fororganizing the It Gets Better photo campaign following the passage of Prop. 8 and numerous other anti-gay legislation. Galavant, Trophy Wife and Don't Trust the B alum David Windsor and Casey Johnson will pen the script. Savage, Hypomania Content's Brian Pines and DiBonaventura Pictures Television's Dan McDermott will produce.The wingnuts will totally lose their minds.
JMG POLL: 7% Of All LGBTs Oppose Marriage Equality, 19% Of Gay Republicans Do Too
Via the Washington Post:
Reposted from Joe Jervis
If you thought everyone in the LGBT community wanted gay marriage, you would be wrong. It's much more nuanced than that. A new chart from Pew, based on 2013 data, shows that 7 percent of LGBT Americans said they oppose same-sex marriage. And another 18 percent said they favor it, but that they didn't feel strongly. Perhaps most striking, 39 percent of the LGBT community said the marriage fight was taking focus off other issues of import to them. Opposition to gay marriage in the LGBT community, such as it exists, is driven by three groups: LGBT blacks, LGBT Republicans, and bisexual Americans. While 12 percent of the black LGBT community opposed gay marriage, nearly one in five (19 percent) Republicans did, too. Only 45 percent of LGBT Republicans said they strongly favored gay marriage -- the lowest of any group. Fifty-eight percent of LGBT blacks said they strongly favor it.
Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 27/01/2015
“É preciso compreender o significado mais profundo da palavra
“iniciação”, pois seu significado foi sendo distorcido ao longo do
tempo. Iniciação é um compromisso com a divindade que te habita e que
pulsa em tudo o que é vivo. É um compromisso com a Verdade, pois
significa romper com as máscaras, e com o falso eu. Iniciação é um
movimento em direção à entrega; um movimento em direção ao seu coração.”
“Es preciso comprender el significado más profundo de la palabra “iniciación”, pues su significado fue muy distorsionado a lo largo del tiempo. Iniciación es un compromiso con la divinidad que te habita y que pulsa en todo lo que está vivo. Es un compromiso con la Verdad, pues significa romper con las máscaras, y con el falso yo. Iniciación es un movimiento en dirección a la entrega; un movimiento en dirección a tu corazón.”
“Es preciso comprender el significado más profundo de la palabra “iniciación”, pues su significado fue muy distorsionado a lo largo del tiempo. Iniciación es un compromiso con la divinidad que te habita y que pulsa en todo lo que está vivo. Es un compromiso con la Verdad, pues significa romper con las máscaras, y con el falso yo. Iniciación es un movimiento en dirección a la entrega; un movimiento en dirección a tu corazón.”
“It’s important to understand the deeper meaning of the word
‘initiation’, since its meaning has been distorted over time. Initiation
is a commitment to the divinity that inhabits us and that pulsates in
everything alive. It is a commitment to the truth, which means breaking
away from our masks and the false self. Initiation is a movement towards
surrender, a movement towards our heart.”
Via Daily Dharma:
Monday, January 26, 2015
Via Queerty: Gay Marriages Took Place In The Christian Church Nearly 2,000 Years Ago
Historian John Boswell’s seminal book on the roots of gay marriage, Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, comes out for the first time in a digital edition next month. The timing seems perfect in the wake of the death of DOMA and Prop 8, though Boswell himself died from complications from AIDS before he saw that momentous day.
Author Annalee Newitz profiles Boswell, a Yale scholar and religious Catholic, as well as his work on i09. Newitz recalls how Boswell dedicated the majority of his scholarly life to researching the late Roman Empire and early Christian Church which yielded some remarkable findings:
There were dozens of records of church ceremonies where two men were joined in unions that used the same rituals as heterosexual marriages. (He found almost no records of lesbian unions, which is probably an artifact of a culture which kept more records about the lives of men generally.)The poor lesbians — always getting the figurative shaft, for lack of the literal. Anyqueer, Boswell argued that the Church tried to sweep these same-sex unions under the holy rug and redefined marriage — sound familiar — in the 13th century “to be for the purpose of procreation,” as conservatives loudly like to remind us at every turn. But if the Church — not to mention the Oxford Dictionary — can redefine marriage once, what’s wrong with doing it again?
The unions, Newitz points out, don’t necessarily fit the definition of marriage we have today. Taboos against homosexuality, which as a social construct is relatively new (the love that dared not speak its name went unnamed until the late 19th century), as well as the original purpose of matrimony — wealth/land sharing — have changed over time. But many of these unions in Boswell’s research involved the love of two people of the same-sex, which were in turn consecrated by the Christian Church.
King Felipe VI of Spain becomes world's first monarch to appear on gay magazine cover
King Felipe VI of Spain becomes world's first monarch to appear on gay magazine cover - See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/king-felipe-vi-spain-becomes-worlds-first-monarch-appear-gay-magazine-cover260115#sthash.jz8wMaJd.dpuf
Via JMG: ALABAMA: Gay Lawmaker Threatens To Reveal Colleagues' Adulterous Affairs
"I will not stand by and allow legislators to talk about ‘family values’ when they have affairs, and I know of many who are and have. I will call our elected officials who want to hide in the closet out. It is pretty well known that we have people in Montgomery who are or have had affairs. I just want them to be careful what they’re saying, some of it might come back to stick on them." - Openly gay Alabama state Rep. Patricia Todd, speaking today to the Montgomery Times-Daily.
Labels: adultery, Alabama, bigotry, BOOM, gay politicians, hypocrisy, LGBT rights, marriage equality, Patricia Todd
Via JMG: GREECE: Atheist Prime Minister "Politely" Rebuffs Clergy For Swearing-In Ceremony
Via the Economist:
Reposted from Joe Jervis
Greece's new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, made history within hours of his victory by informing the Archbishop of Athens, very politely, that clerical services would not be required for his swearing-in ceremony. An avowed atheist who has nonetheless made a point of dealing courteously with senior clergy, Mr Tsipras lost no time in making known that his oath of office would be a secular procedure. It was also explained that when the whole cabinet was sworn in, a more junior cleric (but not the archbishop) would be invited to assist those who wished to take a religious oath.An Orthodox Christian leader praised Tsipras for declining to take a "false oath." (Tipped by JMG reader Rob)
It's hard to overstate what a rupture this marks with the ceremonial culture of Greece. For as long as anybody can remember, every senior office-holder, from socialists to right-wing dictators, has assumed the post with a ritual involving Bibles, crosses and often holy water, sprinkled about with a sprig of basil. The opening words of the Greek constitution recall the theological formulas of the early church which predate by the Hellenic state by more than 1,300 years: "In the name of the holy, consubstantial and indivisible Trinity......"
Via JMG: POLL: 73% Back Gay Athletes
Via the Public Religion Research Institute:
Reposted from Joe Jervis
Roughly three-quarters (73%) of Americans say they would support a professional sports team signing a gay or lesbian athlete, while about 1-in-5 (19%) say they would oppose this action. There is broad support for a professional sports team signing a gay or lesbian athlete across demographic and political groups, including 66% of Republicans, 75% of independents, and 79% of Democrats. A majority of all religious groups would support a professional sports team signing a gay or lesbian athlete, although white evangelical Protestants register lower levels of support. Roughly 8-in-10 white mainline Protestants (77%), Catholics (78%), minority Protestants (66%), and the religiously unaffiliated (84%) favor teams signing gay and lesbian athletes. In contrast, a significantly smaller majority (54%) of white evangelical Protestants say they would favor a team signing a gay or lesbian athlete, while 36% would oppose such a moveEmbiggen the image above or go here for more..
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