Sunday, November 7, 2010

Via Truthout: Be Careful What You Wish For

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "The Senate still belongs to Harry Reid and the Democrats, but by a smaller margin, and while the House is far in the lead when it comes to having new members with certifiable brain damage, the Senate also has some members who are no slouches in Teh Crayzee department. Jim DeMint is a perfect example of the latter, and it may come to pass that DeMint will find himself at the center of a damaging GOP civil war."

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Via HimalayaCrafts

Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent. 
 ૐ. Namaste ૐ

Rachel Maddow On The Keith Olberman Suspension

Via JMG: Teenage Dream

Friday, November 5, 2010

Via JMG: Midterms a Mixed Bag for LGBT Equality

James Russell, Truthout: "On Tuesday, voters ousted numerous LGBT allies in the US House and Senate, such as Pennsylvania Democrat Patrick Murphy, who led the effort in the House of Representatives to overturn the military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy. However, they also elected a record-number of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender candidates to public office."

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Via JMG Burhan G - Tættere På Himlen Feat. Nik & Jay

Via JMG: American Family Association Declares War On The "Empire" Of The GOP

"The battle now is no longer between the Republicans and President Obama. The battle royale now is between citizen class Republicans and ruling class Republicans. It is a battle between the Jim DeMints of the world and the Mitch McConnells of the world. It is a battle between the Sarah Palins of the world and the John McCains of the world.

"Darrel Issa of California a week ago was a conservative hero, ready to hand out subpoenas like candy to get the bottom of the rank corruption in the Obama administration. Now he’s out there, one day after the election, saying absurd things like, 'My job is to make the president a success.' You can forget Issa. He’s a ruling class Republican and now belongs to the Empire and the Death Star that we in the Rebel Alliance must destroy." - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer, writing on their Rightly Concerned blog.

reposted from Joe

Via HimalayaCrafts:

Our beautiful world is facing many crises.... It is not a time to pretend everything´s good. - Dalai Lama

ૐ. Namaste ૐ. 

"That's Gay" Salutes Gay Reality-Show Judges

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Via JMG: George Takei Calls Out Anti-Gay Arkansas School Board Member

Via JMG: CALIFORNIA: Prop 8 Attorney Andy Pugno LOSES Race For State Assembly

Protect Marriage lead attorney Andy Pugno has lost his bid for the California Assembly, despite the heavy backing of NOM. Icing on the cake: winner Richard Pan is a strong supporter of LGBT rights. SUCK IT, NOM!

(Tipped by JMG reader Ray)

reposted from Joe

Monday, November 1, 2010

ViaJMG: HomoQuotable - Ricky Martin

"Since I can remember, I have felt a very strong attraction to other men and, although I can say that I have also come to feel a lot of attraction and a lot of chemistry towards women, it is men who ultimately awaken what is instinctive, the animal in me. Socially, there are so many prejudices against homosexuals that I thought nobody would understand me, that I'd be rejected, since those are the codes I heard and learned as a child. So since my adolescence, when these desires I first began to manifest themselves, I had to deal with this great conflict between my emotions and my thoughts." - Ricky Martin, in a leaked excerpt from his autobiography. Martin launches his book tomorrow with an hour-long appearance on Oprah.

reposted from  Joe

Via JMG: God Hates Bags

On sale here.

(Tipped by JMG reader Steve)

reposted from Joe

Kermit The Frog's "It Gets Better" Video

Via JMG: MICHIGAN: Assistant AG Andrew Shirvell May Be Disbarred For Anti-Gay Stalking

A complaint has been filed seeking the disbarment of Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell over his anti-gay harassment of UM student body president Chris Armstrong.
The complaint alleges Shirvell harassed and defamed Armstrong during what Gordon describes as a six-month campaign "of lies, dishonesty, heckling, hate speech and even job interference." The commission could disbar Shirvell if it investigates. "I could not stand by and let Mr. Shirvell continue his reckless, bullying behavior," Armstrong said in a statement. Shirvell already is fighting a ban from the U-M campus. And he faces a Friday disciplinary hearing in the Attorney General's Office.
Armstrong's attorney: "We just feel very strongly ... that you can't be a licensed attorney and an officer of the court and conduct yourself this way and essentially terrorize a college student."

reposted fromJoe

Via Utne

Virtually no party in the world's liberal democracies shares their position.

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