Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Via Belrico: Why Hasn't Star Trek Ever Had a Queer Character?

AfterElton has an interview up with a Star Trek writer/producer, Brannon Braga, uhura.jpgon why the franchise never included an out gay character. He doesn't really answer, implies that the problem was unnamed people who worked on the show twenty years ago....

I recently rewatched all the Star Trek movies and was surprised not just by how progressive the franchise was - the future has all races working together, women in positions of power, and problems usually solved by learning to interact with a new species - but about the specific brand of hippie-ness in the older movies. There's a scene in Undiscovered Country where a Klingon accuses Uhura of racism for talking about "human rights"; Kirk's son in The Wrath of Khan goes on an anti-military rant; and the entire message of The Voyage Home was that our survival depends on biodiversity (that and "Whales are sentient"). Oh, and money doesn't exist in the future and everyone's taken care of.

So you'd think introducing a queer character wouldn't be too hard in that context. But apparently it was:

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Via Belirico: Just Say No to ROTC on College Campuses

President Obama acknowledged that gays and lesbians will serve openly in the abolishROTC.jpgarmed forces this year thanks to last year's repeal of the so called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. In exchange, the President has asked the college campuses and universities that banned the ROTC from recruiting on their campuses to let them return. I respectfully disagree.

Colleges and universities should focus all their energy on preserving the lives of their students, and students throughout the world. They should be harbors of peace, not war. Students should never have to face down a recruiter in the cafeteria, or outside class. No, there are better ways.

College is expensive and becoming more expensive every year as states slash their budgets and as our federal government diverts trillions to war. The military actively preys upon the poor and disadvantaged with the offer of a better future through the GI Bill. They are common in high school cafeterias and college campuses as students struggle to stay afloat. There is no greater predatory practice on our youth than the ROTC.

Instead, we should invest in more peaceful solutions to students, like the Peace Corps, AmeriaCorps, tuition reimbursement programs for educators, scholarships, grants, and more. We should create additional opportunities for students, opportunities that do not involve the perpetuation of the military industrial complex, but provide opportunities for students to help rebuild America.

Continue reading "Just Say No to ROTC on College Campuses " »

Via JMG: Crazy Eyes Quote Farm

Buzzfeed's always-amusing Matt Stopera today provides us with thirty memorable quotes from Crazy Eyes. Hit the link and enjoy. Another example: "[Pelosi] is committed to her global warming fanaticism to the point where she has said she has even said she is trying to save the planet. We all know that someone did that 2,000 years ago."

reposted from Joe

Via Political Loudmouth:

Via HimalayaCrafts:

Bondage and suffering are proportionate to the extent we let our senses dominate us.
♥ Namaste ♥ ~ HimalayaCrafts

Via JMG: NEW MEXICO: Tea Party-Backed GOP Lawmaker Introduces State DOMA Bill

Yesterday Tea Party-backed GOP state Rep. Nora Espinoza introduced a state-level version of DOMA. Equality New Mexico reports on their Facebook page:
This very concept of creating less equal classes of people has been fought against for generations in New Mexico and is contrary to our state’s proud traditions of providing equal protection and opportunity for her citizens from every background and community. Similar legislation was defeated last year when it was tabled in the Senate Rule Committee. This year, however, promises greater challenges given the much more conservative make up of both our state legislature and governor’s office.
New Mexico residents are urged to contact their state representatives and demand their opposition to Espinoza's bill.

VIDEO: Here's Espinoza's speech at Tea Party event last summer in which she screams the usual teabagger talking points.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: It Gets Better - The Book

Pre-orders are now being taken.

UPDATE: Profits from sales of the book go to the Trevor Project, the Gay & Lesbian Straight Education Network, and the ACLU.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Naples News Boots Pamela Grothaus

The Naples Daily News has finally booted hate-blogger Pamela Grothaus after she posted a nasty attack on PFLAG over the group's inclusion at a "religious freedom day" at Collier County, Florida public high schools. Last month Grothaus proudly declared that she was hoping to be named "JMG Bigot Of The Year" for her attacks on LGBT rights. That prompted many of you to contact the Naples Daily News and probably contributed to their decision to shitcan her ass. On her personal blog, Grothaus is complaining that the newspaper "didn't even have the decency" to tell her she was fired. So sad, too bad.

reposted from Joe

Told You So - 2011 Doritos Superbowl Commercial Ad

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Via JMG: Gay Hero Daniel Hernandez To Attend State Of The Union With Michelle Obama

Openly gay Arizona shooting hero Daniel Hernandez and his father will be seated with the First Lady at Tuesday's State Of The Union address.
"I'm both honored and excited to have the opportunity to travel to our nation's Capitol for a once in a lifetime event. Also the chance to bring my father along for his first trip to Washington, D.C. The State of the Union is a pivotal moment because it is our opportunity to find where we are and where we will be going as a nation in this upcoming year," Hernandez said.
Tuesday is also Hernandez' 21st birthday. That's quite a present.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: How (Not) to Be a Gay Dad: That's Gay

God hates Figs

Via JMG: Coming Out Begins At Home

Via Copyranter, the above is an ad from the National Association Of GLBT In Israel.

reposted from Joe

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Sauna - 2011 Doritos Superbowl Commercial Ad

Via JMG: Dan Savage Lands MTV Pilot

Entertainment Weekly reports:
Savage Love may be coming to MTV. Columnist Dan Savage is working on an advice show for the network. MTV has ordered a pilot that follows Savage as he tours college campuses giving his brand of brutally honest (and sometimes graphic) sex and relationship advice. In the format, Savage takes questions from an auditorium audience (similar to his recently completed college tour).
No start date for the show has been revealed.

reposted from Joe

A Preview of National Marriage Fights: This Week in Prop 8 for January 24, 2011

Via JMG: Robert Gibbs Nearly Ends Press Conference Over Obama's Position On Marriage

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs today nearly cut his press conference short after Washington Blade reporter Chris Johnson pressed him about the president's 1996 support of same-sex marriage, a position Obama later reversed. Gibbs resumed taking questions after other reporters complained. Johnson has been relentless on LGBT issues with Gibbs for the last couple of weeks.

reposted from Joe

High School Senior "Comes Out" in Assembly

Via Utne: Are Gays Greener?

Why is the gay agenda such a green agenda?

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