Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bob Garon on Romney

Via AmericaBlogGay: It’s not religious discrimination when you refuse to do your job

The day that a woman working the fitting room at Macy's thinks she can make store policy, in violation of store policy, because of her "religion," she should be fired. This is a rather amazing story, and an amazing assertion. That the rest of us have to do what our bosses say, that the rest of us have to let our bosses set policy for our companies, but if you're a Christian (well, a bigoted religious right Christian), you get to trump all that, and YOU get to decide. 

That's not religious freedom. It's special rights for southern baptists.
Media matters covers the issue of a woman working at Macy's who tried to stop a transgender teenage girl, who appeared to be "a man... wearing lipstick" from entering the ladies' changing room. The woman freaked, thinking some perverted guy was stalking the women's changing rooms. But that's not why she got fired. She got fired because after a manager told her the next day that in fact Macy's policy is to let a customer go into whatever fitting room the customer feels matches their gender identity, she refused. The woman insisted that her religious views trumped Macy's changing room policy.

A manager called Johnson in the next day to explain that Macy's policy permits individuals to go into the changing room of whatever gender they identify with.

"I refuse to comply with this policy," Johnson says she replied. She was then fired.

"I had to either comply with Macy's or comply with God," Johnson told The San Antonio Express-News.

Oh spare me.  What's next? Do we not let Muslims into changing rooms? How about Jews (I hear they killed Christ, you know)? How about socialists? Or Republicans?

This isn't a story about her being fired because she got confused when meeting her first transgender customer.  It's about refusing to obey store policy once the situation was explained to her. You just don't get to overrule your bosses on a public accommodations issue because you don't like someone, or your religion doesn't like someone. Under this theory, she could also turn away lesbians from the women's changing room, because after all her religion doesn't approve of "LGBT people" as she says during the interview. Does the religious right think that's okay too?

This isn't about religion. It's about special rights for one particular fringe American religion that thinks every other American, and every other employer, needs to live by its rules.

Via AmericaBlog Gay: Remember: Romney once said he’d do more for gays than even Ted Kennedy

Never forget who this chameleon really is. From Greg Sargent at the Washington Post:

But back in 1994, he stated that “full equality” for gays and lesbians should be a goal, and even said he’d be a better Senator on gay rights than Ted Kennedy, who he was challenging at the time.
In a 1994 letter to the Log Cabin Club of Massachusetts that was obtained way back when by the Boston Globe that has been mostly forgotten, then-Senate candidate Romney said:
As a result of our discussions and other interactions with gay and lesbian voters across the state, I am more convinced than ever before that as we seek to establish full equality for America’s gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent.
Romney’s previous quotes and his shifts on the issues are often presented as evidence that he has never had core beliefs and will say and do anything to win. But it seems clear that Romney sincerely held relatively progressive beliefs on issues like gay rights, health care, and climate change, back during his time as a politician in Massachusetts. In other words, he sincerely was a liberal Republican. After all, there were a lot of liberal Republicans in the northeast in those days. He was one of them, before jettisoning those views in service of his national ambitions, and conservatives like Perry are right to scoff at his claim that he’s always been one of them.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma December 13, 2011

Sit Down and Settle the Body and Mind

We need to talk about a balance. Frankly, I think Asian monastics probably spend too much time sitting in meditation looking inward, and not enough time outdoors. They have to go out, as Shakyamuni did, and find out how people are living in society. But in the West, it’s the opposite problem. People spend all their time in the outer world. They’ve been successful in business, in their professional lives, but they have no relief from the stress of their lives. They need to sit down and settle the body and mind, instead of always running around feeling agitated inside.
- Samu Sunim, “Buddha in the Market: An Interview with Korean Zen Master Samu Sunim”
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Monday, December 12, 2011

Via JMG: Canadians On Marriage Equality

The more yellow an area is, the greater the opposition to same-sex marriage. The reverse is true for gray areas. Keep in mind that some of the huge areas that appear to be largely anti-gay are virtually unpopulated. The real story is told in the areas closest to Canada's southern border, where the three largest metropolitan regions are solidly on the side of the good guys. (Tipped by JMG reader Chris.)

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: NOM's 2010 Financials Published

The Washington Independent has published an analysis of NOM's 2010 financial reporting. While no names have been disclosed, NOM's funding comes from just a few persons. That fact has long been predicted here on this blog and elsewhere.
In 2010, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a tax-exempt nonprofit trying to thwart the legalization of same-sex marriage throughout the U.S., reported the highest individual donations it has received since its inception in 2007, according to NOM’s most recent income disclosures to the Internal Revenue Service, recently obtained by The American Independent. Per NOM’s numbers, just two individuals contributed more than $6 million to the organization’s political arm – accounting for about two-thirds of NOM’s 2010 revenue, while single donations below $5,000 covered only 8 percent of reported revenue.
Two-thirds from two persons! And according to the linked report, 92% of NOM's 2010 money came from just 22 donations of $5000 or more. NOM, however, claims to be funded by 50,000 pious Christian households. SNORK!
Who wants to bet that a huge percentage of NOM's donations flow thru the bejeweled hands of "celibate" men in dresses?

reposted from Joe

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access

Via JMG: Romney Vs. Gay Vietnam Veteran

At a campaign stop in a New Hampshire diner, Mitt Romney slid into a booth to chat with a man wearing a Vietnam Veteran cap. What Romney didn't know is that the man was sitting there with his husband. Things went quickly downhill after the introductions.
Garon challenged Romney, saying, “If two men get married, apparently a veteran’s spouse would not be entitled to any burial benefits or medical benefits or anything that the serviceman has devoted his time and effort to his country, and you just don’t support equality in terms of same-sex marriage?” Romney reiterated his support for the Defense of Marriage Act, and added, “And we apparently disagree.” “It’s good to know how you feel,” Garon said. “That you do not believe that everyone is entitled to their constitutional rights.”

“No, actually, I think at the time the Constitution was written it was pretty clear that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Romney replied. “And I don’t believe the Supreme Court has changed that.” With that, a Romney aide interrupted, saying, “Governor, we’ve got to get on with Fox News right now.” “Oh,” said Garon. “I guess the question was too hot.” “No, I gave you the answer,” Romney said.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Equality Matters: Why Do Networks Continue To Host Hate Group Leaders?

Equality Matters asks the question we've been asking here for the last year.
In November 2010, the Family Research Council (FRC) was added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) list of anti-gay hate groups due to its “propagation of known falsehoods” about gays and lesbians. According to an Equality Matters analysis, FRC spokespersons – including Tony Perkins, Peter Sprigg, and Ken Blackwell – have been invited to appear on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News a total of 54 times in the twelve months since Perkins first appeared on MSNBC to discuss being labeled as a hate group. 24 of those appearances were on Fox News, 19 were on MSNBC, and 11 were on CNN:
FRC head Tony Perkins alone constituted 32 of the above appearances. Check out the below Equality Matters recap of just a few of the many, many vicious anti-gay lies spewed by Tony Perkins.
RELATED: I'd also like to know why every single network ignores the scandal that sank Perkins' political career, namely his exposure as having paid KKK Grand Wizard David Duke a whopping $82,500 for access to his mailing list of racists. There's also this: "On May 17th, 2001, Perkins gave a speech to the Louisiana chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a white supremacist group that has described black people as a 'retrograde species of humanity.'"

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: IOWA: Gingrich Signs Anti-Gay Pledge

Newt Gingrich has signed the anti-gay pledge of Iowa hate group Family Leader. But unlike the other GOP candidates who have signed the vow to thwart civil rights for gay Americans, pundits are focusing on the pledge clause that commands "personal fidelity to my spouse."

Gingrich has issued a statement. (My bolding.)
As President, I will vigorously enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, which was enacted under my leadership as Speaker of the House, and ensure compliance with its provisions, especially in the military. I will also aggressively defend the constitutionality of DOMA in federal and state courts. I will support sending a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman to the states for ratification. I will also oppose any judicial, bureaucratic, or legislative effort to define marriage in any manner other than as between one man and one woman. I will support all efforts to reform promptly any uneconomic or anti-marriage aspects of welfare and tax policy. I also pledge to uphold the institution of marriage through personal fidelity to my spouse and respect for the marital bonds of others.

reposted from Joe


The indefatigable Sophia Resnick of the American Independent does some digging and finds what we found from their '09 returns: NOM is not a grassroots organization. It is funded by a few well-heeled donors.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma: Intererview with the Karmapa

Last July, several Tricycle editors interviewed Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the 17th Karmapa, head of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. During the interview he spoke on his daily life in India, his work as a poet and an artist, how the role of Karmapa has evolved since the Chinese occupation of Tibet, spiritual bypassing, the role of social and environmental activism in Buddhism, and more. 

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma December 12, 2011

Awakening to Ourselves

Buddhism is really about awakening from the illusion about ourselves and the world, and realizing reality—who we are and what is real and how things are interconnected through karma and causation and so on. In a Dzogchen text it says, “From the beginning we are all Buddhas by nature, we only have to realize that fact.” So in Dzogchen the whole practice of what we call the view, meditation, and action is about awakening to—not just our momentary personality—“self” with a small s—but our true Buddha nature, our original nature.
- Lama Surya Das, "Old Wine, New Bottles"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Via Hatewatch/SPLC: Anti-Abortion Extremist Now Attacking Gay-Friendly Churches

Posted in Anti-Abortion, Anti-LGBT, Extremist Propaganda by Leah Nelson on December 9, 2011
The Rev. Donald Spitz has a message for gay-friendly churches, and the murder-endorsing anti-abortion crusader is not mincing words.

In E-mails sent in recent days to an unknown number of churches listed on, he wrote: “To accept sexual deviancy as normal is a sin. You put your soul in danger of eternal damnation for welcoming unrepentant homosexuals into God’s house. You blaspheme the Name of God.

Homosexuality should be criminalized. Homosexuals commit crimes against God, against nature, against the Holy Bible and against the human race. ( continue to full post… )

Via Gay Marriage Watch: Boy George Speaks Out Against Austraila PM on Marriage Equali

Boy George Speaks Out Against Austraila PM on Marriage Equality
Written by scott on December 11th, 2011

Boy George and Australia Marriage Equality“I’m baffled by it,” George said. “If they just let it happen they’d realise it’s not the end of civilisation as we know it. “On one hand they mention family values and the importance of relationships but if people want to get married isn’t that a good thing?

“It’s so unimportant. I don’t think it’s the job of a PM or a politician to deal with that. Gay people have been around since the dinosaurs.

“I just don’t get homophobia. And not allowing gay marriage is homophobia. What difference does it make to you? It’s not a choice. ‘Oh I think I’ll be gay’.”
“I’m baffled by it,” George said. “If they just let it happen they’d realise it’s not the end of civilisation as we know it. “On one hand they mention family values and the importance of relationships but if people want to get married isn’t that a good thing?

STEVE HAYES: Tired Old Queen at the Movies - #89

Via JMG: Masturbation Is Totally Gay, Part Two

"An average male child has masturbated at one stage of his life or the other. If this behaviour were not controlled, it would lead to lack of interest in the opposite sex. This often happens in the subconscious mind, so that by the time one grows into it, one would not know why one hates the opposite sex. This is because when one masturbates, one may have practiced it with other male children. So, by the time they are qualified to have sexual relations, they just discover that they have something that satisfies them more than natural sex." - Professor of biblical history and "ex-gay" therapist Dr. Felix Jovi Ehwarieme, quoted in a Nigeria Guardian story about the campaign to pass Nigeria's proposed escalation in penalties for homosexuality. (Tipped by JMG reader Alan)

RELATED: Last month Seattle's Pastor Mark Driscoll said that male masturbation is inherently gay because it is sex with a man.

CORRECTION: In the first draft of this post I attributed the above quote to the wrong crazy person in the linked article. I was laughing too hard to notice!

Reposted from Joe