JMG reader Mark writes to tip us that somebody calling themselves the Straight Liberation Movement has been posting flyers around the SF Bay area. A sample posting from the group's Facebook page:
The discussion outside the anarchist bookfair yesterday entitled, "What is the Straight Agenda" was attacked by queers repeatedly. All fliers put up in the bookfair building were taken down, including by members of Homes Not Jails, who were trying to prevent the heterosexual afterparty from happening. The cardboard sign with the agenda on it was reapeatedly attacked by queers who tried to rip it... down, and managed to tear it in half at the end. The Sheriffs intervened to defend me, as did the bookfair organizers to their credit. The Straight Liberation Movement facebook group is also being sabotaged--about half a dozen people who asked to join were erased before they could be added, apparently by someone who knew my password. Straight people: overthrow the gay occupation of your society! Join the SLM.This could be just another Poe operation. One the other hand, in 2010 somebody with the same relatively uncommon name as the group's Facebook moderator was dragged out of a Bellingham, Washington city council meeting and arrested after screaming that a local car repair shop had decapitated his mother and was keeping her head alive "in order to torture her."