“Tu inclinación hacia la Verdad necesita ser renovada a cada instante,
lo que requiere un tanto de fuerza de voluntad ya desarrollada. Sin
embargo, muchas veces ya desarrollaste fuerza de voluntad, pero ella
está siendo utilizada para satisfacer vicios, alimentar emociones
negativas o satisfacer caprichos del ego. La energía es la misma, pero
está siendo utilizada por la naturaleza inferior. En ese caso, es
necesario invertir la dirección del flujo de la energía, o sea, es
necesario re-direccionar los vectores de la voluntad. Para eso sugiero
la práctica de algún tipo de austeridad, que puede variar de acuerdo con
la historia de cada uno. Pero independientemente de tu caso específico,
recomiendo para todos la práctica diaria del silencio, aunque sea por
períodos cortos de tiempo.”
“Our commitment to the truth must be constantly renewed at every instance, which requires having developed a certain level of willpower. Oftentimes we have already developed willpower, but it’s being used to satisfy addictions, fuel negative emotions, or satisfy the ego’s whims. The energy is the same, but it is being used by our lower self. In this case, the direction of the energy flow must be inverted, meaning we must redirect the vectors of our willpower. To do so, I suggest you practice some kind of austerity, which can vary based on each person’s story. Regardless of your specific case, I recommend that everyone engage in the daily practice of silence, even if it’s only for short periods of time.”
“Our commitment to the truth must be constantly renewed at every instance, which requires having developed a certain level of willpower. Oftentimes we have already developed willpower, but it’s being used to satisfy addictions, fuel negative emotions, or satisfy the ego’s whims. The energy is the same, but it is being used by our lower self. In this case, the direction of the energy flow must be inverted, meaning we must redirect the vectors of our willpower. To do so, I suggest you practice some kind of austerity, which can vary based on each person’s story. Regardless of your specific case, I recommend that everyone engage in the daily practice of silence, even if it’s only for short periods of time.”