ignorancia en relación a nuestra realidad espiritual hace que veamos
solamente la superficie de las cosas. Perdemos la capacidad de ver el
espíritu que nos habita. El materialismo es el responsable de eso. Por
causa de éste el ser humano está siempre en una carrera por el lucro y
se olvida del respeto, de la gentileza, de la bondad y del amor. Nos
volvimos especialistas en transformar todo en dinero. Todo se vuelve un
instrumento para adquirir poder. El dinero es una forma de energía muy
poderosa que es parte del juego en este mundo, sin embargo esta energía
necesita estar al servicio del espíritu. Cuando es utilizado por la
sabiduría, el dinero es un instrumento divino, pero cuando es utilizado
por la ignorancia se vuelve una herramienta de destrucción.”
"When we are ignorant about our own spiritual reality, we see things only at the surface level. We lose sight of the spirit that inhabits us. Materialism is the culprit here, causing humans to fall into a rat-race for profit. We forget all about being respectful and kind, about being good and loving. We specialize in monetizing everything around us, so it all becomes a means of giving us power. Money is a powerful energy and an inherent part of the game of life in this world – but this energy needs to be at service of spirit. When used with wisdom, money becomes a divine tool; when it's employed by ignorance, it becomes a destructive weapon."
"When we are ignorant about our own spiritual reality, we see things only at the surface level. We lose sight of the spirit that inhabits us. Materialism is the culprit here, causing humans to fall into a rat-race for profit. We forget all about being respectful and kind, about being good and loving. We specialize in monetizing everything around us, so it all becomes a means of giving us power. Money is a powerful energy and an inherent part of the game of life in this world – but this energy needs to be at service of spirit. When used with wisdom, money becomes a divine tool; when it's employed by ignorance, it becomes a destructive weapon."