“Nadie quiere sentir dolor, pero a veces es necesario soltar los
anestésicos y amortiguadores para poder encararlo de frente. Es
necesario tener coraje para lidiar con la frustración de aquello que,
por alguna razón, evitas entrar en contacto. Cuando una repetición
negativa se vuelve insistente en tu vida, quiere decir que quiere
enseñarte algo que te rehusas a aprender. En ese momento, detente y
pregunta: ¿Qué quieres enseñarme? ¿Qué necesito aprender? Así, de a
poco, vas dando paso a las revelaciones de tu alma.”
"No one wants to feel pain, but sometimes it’s necessary to let go of our numbing devices and shock absorbers in order to face our pain face to face. It takes courage to deal with the frustration of what we avoid getting in touch with for onereason or another. When a negative repetition becomes persistent in our lives, it is wanting to teach us something that we are refusing to learn. In such cases, we must stop and ask: ‘What do you want to teach me? What do I need to learn?’Thus, we gradually make way for our soul’s revelations.”
"No one wants to feel pain, but sometimes it’s necessary to let go of our numbing devices and shock absorbers in order to face our pain face to face. It takes courage to deal with the frustration of what we avoid getting in touch with for onereason or another. When a negative repetition becomes persistent in our lives, it is wanting to teach us something that we are refusing to learn. In such cases, we must stop and ask: ‘What do you want to teach me? What do I need to learn?’Thus, we gradually make way for our soul’s revelations.”