“El amor tiene sus leyes, por lo tanto algunos acuerdos necesitan ser
cumplidos. Una de las leyes del amor dice respecto de la
responsabilidad: si establece una familia, tienes un compromiso con
ella. Si trajo un hijo a este mundo, tienes una responsabilidad sobre
él. Y aunque te hayas liberado del apego a la familia, aún existe un
compromiso con tu hijo. Puedes no estar apegado al papel de padre, pero
tu hijo aún necesita de ti. Y esa ley del amor pide que te hagas cargo
de eso.”
“Love has its laws, and due to these laws some agreements need to be kept. One of love’s laws has to do with responsibility. If you have created a family, you have to keep your commitments to it. If you have brought a child into this world, you are responsible for this child. Even if you are no longer attached to this family model, you still have a commitment to your child. You may not be attached to the role of father or mother, but your child still needs you. This law of love commands us to take responsibility.”
“Love has its laws, and due to these laws some agreements need to be kept. One of love’s laws has to do with responsibility. If you have created a family, you have to keep your commitments to it. If you have brought a child into this world, you are responsible for this child. Even if you are no longer attached to this family model, you still have a commitment to your child. You may not be attached to the role of father or mother, but your child still needs you. This law of love commands us to take responsibility.”