Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Training Ourselves to Become Better Inbox

 After taking the vows and observing ourselves more carefully, we find there’s hardly any action that doesn’t hurt someone or cause some kind of harm. Because of that awareness, we’re able to train ourselves to become better.

—Khandro Rinpoche, “Complete Abandon”


Monday, March 1, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Awaken to the Truth of Yourself

 To become enlightened is to awaken to the mad truth that the precious personas we’ve been parading around as all these years, maybe all these lifetimes, are fictional constructs.

—Sam Guthrie, “Getting There from Here”


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Via Tumblr


Via Tumblr


Twilight’s Kiss Trailer #1 (2021) | Movieclips Indie

Via FB


NEGROS não são descendentes de escravos como dizem os livros escolares... Eles são descendentes de civilizações africanas, reinos poderosos e povos fortes. Eles descendem de reis e rainhas, príncipes e princesas, são da linhagem de pessoas que desenvolveram a escrita, a astrologia, as ciências, daqueles que construíram as pirâmides...
Eles são frutos de um povo que desenvolveu as técnicas agrícolas e dominam a medicina primitiva... 
Eles são frutos de um povo que conhecem os benefícios das plantas e sabem como ninguém tirar delas o poder da cura, da vida saudável...
Acorda Brasil...
BLACK people are not descendants of slaves as school books say ... They are descendants of African civilizations, powerful kingdoms and strong peoples. They are descended from kings and queens, princes and princesses, they are of the lineage of people who developed writing, astrology, science, those who built the pyramids... 
They are the fruit of a people who developed agricultural techniques and dominate primitive medicine... 
They are the fruit of a people who know the benefits of plants and know how no one can take from them the power of healing, of healthy life... 
Wake up Brazil...


Via FB // Pity the Nation - L. Ferlinghetti


Via Daily Dharma: Opportunities for Reconstruction

 We are in a time of deconstruction. But we also have to remember that every deconstruction is an opportunity for reconstruction. We must ask ourselves, what is it we want to reconstruct and how do we go about it?

—Larry Ward, “Awakening to the Apocalypse”


Via English Literature // FB


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - February 28, 2021 💌


"It’s a very delicate task to interpret things like ego and fear because we tend to interpret from where we’re sitting, and we’ve developed these structures around it.

The root of fear is the feeling of separateness that can exist within oneself. The root of fear is within the model one has of oneself. That’s where fear starts. Once that feeling of separation exists, then you process everything from either inside or outside in terms of that model. Then it keeps reinforcing the feeling of vulnerability, because there are incredibly powerful forces moving both inside and outside of you.

The transformative process of spiritual work is reawakening to the innocence of going behind that model of separation that one has, that cuts you off, that made you a tiny little fragile somebody. A lot of the power comes from a freeing of our own fragility."

- Ram Dass -

Via FB


Via Tumblr - D.H. Lawrence


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Water the Seeds of Wisdom Inbox

We have within us the seeds of despair, of anger, but we also have the seeds of compassion, awakening, Buddha-nature, and mindfulness.

—Thich Nhat Hanh, “Waking Up the Nation”


Via FB


Friday, February 26, 2021

417Hz Raise The Vibration Of Your HOME - Energy Cleanse For Your House &...

Via Tricycle - Three Buddhist Romeos


Three Buddhist Romeos
By Amanda Lim Patton
A Zen master, a Dalai Lama, and a Tibetan monk broke away from their lives of renunciation to seek the pleasures of love and romance. 
Read more »

Via Daily Dharma: Train Yourself to Stay

The steadfastness we develop in meditation is a willingness to stay. It may seem silly, but meditation actually isn’t too unlike training a dog! We learn to stay.

—Pema Chödrön, “Making Friends with Oneself”


What Future?: Peter Owen-Jones at TEDxExeter