Sunday, November 7, 2021

Via Tricycle // The New Tradition of Early Buddhism


The New Tradition of Early Buddhism
By Bernard Font-Clos
Examining the “neo-Early Buddhists,” who say they are grounded in the early teachings yet differ entirely from the Buddha’s disciples in their response to dukkha.
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Via Daily Dharma: The Greatest Happiness

 The Buddha said peace is the greatest happiness. We might call it a quiet joy, and that quiet joy can be underneath all the waves, because there will be waves—the ups and downs, times of exuberance and times when we’re feeling low.

—Joseph Goldstein, “Joseph Goldstein on Easing Self-Judgement and Finding Joy”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - November 7, 2021 💌

...You look at decay, and it is beautiful. Laura Huxley, who is a very dear friend, in her kitchen has these jars over the sink, and she takes old beet greens and orange peels and things and sticks them in the water in these long, beautiful pharmaceutical jars. Then they slowly start to mold and decay, and there are these beautiful decaying formation of mold. It’s really garbage… it’s garbage as art. We look at it and it’s absolutely beautiful. There’s absolute beauty in that.

I’ve begun to expand my awareness to be able to look at the universe as it is, and see what is called the horrible beauty of it. I mean, there’s horror and beauty in all of it, because there is also decay and death in all of it. I mean, we’re all decaying – I look at my hand and it’s decaying. It’s beautiful and horrible at the same time, and I just live with that. And also with it, I see and live with the beauty of it.

So we’re talking about appreciating what is. Not loving yourself, as opposed to not liking yourself, but allowing yourself. As you allow, it changes. I think that gets behind the polarities. I think that’s what’s important.

- Ram Dass -

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Glass: Aguas da Amazonia - Metamorphosis I

Via Tricycle // Freedom from Illusion


Freedom from Illusion
By Pema Düddul
Buddhism teaches that the basic nature of all things is illusory. How can we awaken to this essential truth and allow it to guide us home to ourselves?
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Amazon Rainforest/ Foret d'Amazonie Concert

Via Tricycle // When America Met Thich Nhat Hanh


When America Met Thich Nhat Hanh
By Jim Forest
Before he was a spiritual teacher beloved the world over, Thich Nhat Hanh was a soft-spoken but fiercely dedicated anti-war activist.
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Via Daily Dharma: Rising From Failure

 Failures are not just inevitable, but are a necessary part of the process. A good mother is not one whose baby never cries, but one who knows how to respond and soothe her crying baby.

—Barry Magid, “Precious Scars: Art as Practice”


Friday, November 5, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Conquering Hate


To conquer hate, you have to find unshakeable tolerance.

—Robert A. F. Thurman, “Rising to the Challenge: Cool Heroism”


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Um texto de Rajneesh (na descrição) - Reflexões sobre uma Educação da In...

Via FB


Via Daily Dharma: Plant the Right Seeds


The effects of our actions extend through space and time like ripples on a pond, influencing not only our future selves but also our surroundings. If we wish to be a certain kind of person and live in a certain kind of world, we need to be heedful about the seeds we cultivate.

—Seth Zuiho Segall, “A More Enlightened Way of Being”


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - November 3, 2021 💌



There are many levels at which you relieve suffering; you relieve suffering at one level by giving food. You relieve suffering at another level by giving the food in such a way that is draws people out of the pain of their own separateness. This involves the idea of respect for the people you’re serving, and dignity and really seeing.

You must be driven to work on yourself all of the time, so that your acts of caring for other human beings are not toxic. If you want to help other people, I would say, just look around, check out the bulletin board at your local laundromat. It doesn’t matter where you plug into the system; the issue is the quality of the behavior when you plug into the system.

It’s not just doing the act, it’s the combination of doing the act with the exercise of using the act to see the ways in which you’re ripping off the act for your own psycho-dynamic needs. Without putting yourself down for it, just appreciating the humanity of it, but also getting to the next level of it, where you’re just doing it because you’re a part of the dance, and you’re on the side of the angels. Gandhi said, “When you surrender completely into God, you find yourself in the service of all that exists.”

- Ram Dass -

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Finding “You,” Now


Any story you have about yourself is not the same as the unfolding reality of what you are: the ongoing life of your senses, the tenderness of your heart, the consciousness that right now is seeing or hearing these words.

—Tara Brach, “A True Taste of Peace”


Via Tricycle \\ Dhamma Wheel


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Daily meditation practice is the heart of the Buddhist path. But the Buddha also stressed the importance of studying the dhamma alongside meditation as a part of our path to awakening.
Join us for Dhamma Wheel, a daily email making dhamma study easier than ever before. Created by Tricycle and Buddhist scholar Andrew Olendzki, Dhamma Wheel was designed to deepen your understanding of Buddhist wisdom and support you in integrating it into your meditation practice and daily life.
Sign up today for 365 days of the Buddha's teachings, delivered straight to your inbox. Each morning’s email features a brief study text, commentary, and suggestions for practice based on a daily theme corresponding to the Buddha’s noble eightfold path. This program is ideal for those looking to establish or renew their commitment to contemplative study.

The Dhamma Wheel cycle begins anew on November 29, but you can join or cancel at any time.

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“When life was hectic, Tricycle's email course, Dhamma Wheel, put a pause for wisdom & reflection in each day. Now, it opens space for deeper learning. Andrew Olendzki's pellucid commentary & daily practices take concepts into ordinary life. It's a daily gift.”

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Via L.A. Times \\ Meet America’s First Drag Queen for President


Meet America’s First Drag Queen for President

‘The Beauty President’ is a short documentary about 1992 U.S. presidential candidate Terence Alan Smith, from executive producer Lena Waithe and emerging director Whitney Skauge, presented by Breakwater Studios, Hillman Grad Productions, and L.A. Times Studios.


Make the jump here to watch the film and more

Via White Crane Institute \\ JOHN LYON BURNSIDE


John Burnside
1916 -

JOHN LYON BURNSIDE, inventor, gay American activist, born (d: 2008);  John, or as he was known in Faerie circles “n’John” for his long-term relationship with Harry Hay – as in “Harry n’John”, was the inventor of the Teleidoscope and the Symmetricon, and was the partner of Mattachine and Radical Faerie founder, Harry Hay for 39 years.

Burnside was sent to an orphanage while still a child because he was caught in sexual play with another little boy. He served briefly in the Navy, and settled in Los Angeles in the 1940s. He married, but had no children. Burnside met Harry in 1962 at ONE Incorporated. They fell in love and became life partners. They formed a group in the early 1960s called the Circle of Loving Companions that promoted gay rights and Gay love.

In 1966 they were major planners of one of the first gay marches, a protest against exclusion of gays in the military, held in Los Angeles. In 1967, they appeared as a couple on the Joe Pyne television show. In the late 1970s, they founded, along with Don Kilhefner, the Radical Faeries. John died of brain cancer in San Francisco, where he had been tended to by members of the Circle of Loving Companions that had taken care of Harry in his final days.


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